Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] over the country " in BNC.

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1 Fresh efforts to persuade Iraq to sell oil under the terms of UN Resolutions 706 and 712 [ see pp. 38406 ; 38452 ] , rejected by the government as an infringement of Iraqi sovereignty , were prompted by renewed concern over the country 's food and medical crisis [ see pp. 38452 ; 38548 ; 38597 ; 38696 ] .
2 In the mainstream parties , incessant wrangling over the country 's political asylum law , implicitly ‘ the foreigner problem ’ , had conveniently paved the way for the ultra-right .
3 The evident squabble over the country 's soul is bound to offend those who stubbornly express the wish that religion and politics should be kept in discreet compartments .
4 Observers noted that the government appeared to have adopted a dual " soft-hard " approach , attempting to maintain strict control over the country , including the political system , the media and the economy , while giving some ground to calls for change .
5 For most of the first week of February high pressure was centred to the southeast or south of Scotland giving a generally cloudy , mild , southwesterly flow over the country , although the month started with a sharp frost in central and southern areas .
6 In a quiet period after the end of the Second World War in 1945 the Secretary of Commissions , responsible for the appointment of the lay magistracy over the country as a whole , found that days passed when no letter came into his office and no letter went out .
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