Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] before it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Imagine if your local electrical store allowed you to take a TV home for a month to sample its quality before parting with your money , you would be sure you had made the right decision before it cost you the earth .
2 As a result most of our large towns had their select residences on the western side , in positions where they received the benefit of the prevailing wind before it passed over the town or city ; the poorer population residing on the eastern side .
3 His company Citymystic spent £800,000 on the popular venue before it crashed in 1989 .
4 Indeed , initially favoured by the government to soak up excess cereal production , it was one which linked agricultural , manufacturing and commercial capitalism before it reached its proletarian consumers .
5 He was glad to see the old area before it crashed to the ground ; there was not much left as it was .
6 This time she was able to trap the playful retort before it made it from her mind to her mouth , managing to content herself with an indifferent lift of the shoulders .
7 ‘ Kalliste was the name given to this little lady before it became either Thera or Santorini , and a more singularly inapt name I can not imagine .
8 Methodism seemed to encircle the little town before it entered it .
9 Tiny three-dimensional holograms formed and faded in the air above the set , each figure giving its brief report before it vanished .
10 She decided against it in the end , not because she was afraid of any brutish remarks he might — not might , would , she corrected — make when he saw her , but because , from where she viewed it , this was going to be a tough enough weekend without her inviting hassle before it began .
11 It was a good picture before it became a bad picture .
12 The European Court has in fact held that the internal competence may be exercised at the same time as the external competence so that the Community acquired the power to negotiate an international agreement before it had in fact exercised its internal powers , and this theory had in fact been taken further in the fisheries sector in the judgment in the Kramer cases .
13 Here was a march for political purposes with racial characteristics and though legal and provided with police protection , it was to become the subject of great protest before it began .
14 The mini-skirt spread through the western world from many centres ; it appeared in Oxford Street , London , long before it reached Oxford Street , Swansea , and presumably it was seen in Chicago , Illinois , an appreciable time before it dazzled the male eyes of the " city " of Muddy in the south of the same state .
15 For our purposes what matters is that RNA , or something like it , was around for a long time before it became self-replicating .
16 It seemed to take an unduly long time before it took hold .
17 I would n't do anything that took a long , long time before it showed a reward .
18 The variable ( a ) ( see above ) illustrates this point ; the speech of a number of persons was transcribed in some phonetic detail before it became clear that tokens of the vowel in a certain range of environments were never front-raised , and seemed moreover to be implicationally ordered with respect to their tolerance of back-raising ( see J. Milroy 1981a for details ) .
19 Already the first squadrons of sepoy cavalry were swooping over the abandoned ramparts and racing for the Cutcherry to kick away just a few inches of that thin trickle of grey powder before it burnt its way home .
20 The militaria section included an interesting group of 10th Hussar material among which was an early sabretache ; this lot attracted brisk bidding before it sold at £1,200 .
21 Along with the products would have gone a lot more of the people than USL cut loose right before it got bought .
22 Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere made the water slightly acidic so it corroded the limestone , and where the water had to get through peaty soil before it hit the rock the acidity was stronger .
23 Angry creditors have accused a tourist board of living off borrowed money before it collapsed with debts of more than three hundred thousand pounds .
24 Although she will in fact serve her last few shifts at the new community hospital at Treloar 's , it was her wish to hold her retirement party at Alton General Hospital before it closed .
25 Stepping into the passage she trod on something soft , silky and alive , but was in time to withdraw her naked foot before it wailed .
26 The suit , filed in August 1990 and halted when the firm entered Chapter 11 , accused the firm of wrongly giving the PTL ministry a clean audit before it collapsed , and was preventing continuation of L&H 's liquidation .
27 His own excursion into foreign fields was an unmitigated disaster when his Grand Bahamas Island Vacation Village collapsed into a financial mess before it had really got started , in 1950 .
28 Group Captain Dave Parsons had experience of the new plane before it crossed the Atlantic .
29 Armando Boetto , commanding officer of the 49 a Squadriglia , Blue 1 getting in the final burst before it disintegrated and fell into the sea .
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