Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] that [pron] else " in BNC.

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1 Mars was merely a sad story that somebody else had told her , but leaving the meanings was worse than unrequited love .
2 My husband died , my love , died in his car , on the night we put the clocks back , on the night of the extra hour that everyone else was glad of , though for my part I found no use to put it to .
3 Waltz 's criticism of Kaplan to the effect that rules do not make a system invites a hermeneutic retort that nothing else possibly could in the social world .
4 Another time I shall talk about taxes , which , as we said in our election broadcast a week ago , we plan to reduce by being careful with your money — another good idea that no-one else had thought of .
5 This was pronounced with a kind of funereal satisfaction , and for a moment Jackson could imagine the remorseless gossip that someone else 's tragedy had afforded her at the time .
6 That night , when he awoke in the full certainty that someone else was in the room , he reached for it , where it usually lay by his headrest ; but he had barely moved before he felt its point at his throat .
7 The UK sales force fill in a weekly report form which includes questions about competitors — a successful campaign that somebody else has run , or a successful title — and room for suggestions for new titles or for areas of publishing .
8 there is an abiding dream in American literature that an unpatterned , unconditioned life is possible … there is also an abiding American dread that someone else is patterning your life , that there are all sorts of invisible plots afoot to rob you of your autonomy of thought and action .
9 Those of us who had been drawn towards Labour as a party of change now received a sharp reminder that whatever else it was at local level , it was at national level still essentially an electoral machine .
10 Yes , it 's fantastic news that somebody else is interested in the Mappa Mundi and the problems of Hereford 's Cathedral .
11 So , we should take on board when we look at Simon 's suggestions for Q P one , not only at things he 's but any other note that anyone else has got appropriate to that procedure .
12 In practice , unless you have a 486DX — it does not work quite like that because whenever the program is converting it makes such demands on the whole system that everything else is slowed up .
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