Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] and [noun] all " in BNC.

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1 The little one was podgy with puppy fat and a front tooth missing and a ravishing smile and hair all over the place .
2 I found her by the side of the house with her dog , looking like a complete tramp , with a patched-up old coat and hair all over the place .
3 He found that he enjoyed going to a parish to confirm the children , or to institute a new incumbent , and stay afterwards for the sausage rolls or sandwiches at the bunfight and chat up the people with a mixture of silence and belly-bumping laughter and beams all round and leg-pulling but with care and affection .
4 Unless the producer has the respect and friendship of the creative team , matters like these can be very tricky to handle , with an emotional uproar and wasted time and money all around .
5 Furthermore the unit comes complete with integral pump and heater all enclosed in a smart black unobtrusive housing .
6 It was more of an annual rite than a business meeting , and always concluded with expressions of mutual goodwill and handshakes all round — provided the pub continued to show a profit .
7 So she did — her brother-in-law , a schoolteacher with a young growing family , a huge mortgage and debts all over the place .
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