Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] have been found " in BNC.

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1 Little direct evidence has been found of systematic organisation in the eighteenth century , a period in which trade and benefit clubs among other working men in Britain abounded .
2 Illness behaviour in old age has been found to be not substantially different from that of younger people ( Victor , 1987 , p. 268 ) .
3 No clear pattern has been found in the theft .
4 It seems that in some cases the answer is yes , even though no characteristic elements of segmental phonology have been found which distinguish black Londoners ' speech from that of other Londoners .
5 The body of a seventy six year old man has been found in a shop in Northampton .
6 The role of the media in public disorder has been found to be consistent across different historical periods , geographical locations and types of disorder .
7 Substances with high osmolarity have been found to inhibit acid secretion .
8 I had just been reading in the Daily Minute about the string of beatings and manslaughters in Rosalind Court : the night before last a Jap computer expert and a German dentist had been found in a parking lot with their faces stomped off .
9 Explaining , now , more of the past history of Samavia , Lorestan reveals that the Lost Prince has been found , the time has come for the corrupt government to be overthrown and the message must be carried through Europe that ‘ the lamp is lighted ’ .
10 The company says the site has been properly sealed and no outside contamination has been found .
11 Also a very similar figure has been found on a Nene Valley sherd ( fig. 14.22 ) .
12 The first half reflects on one incident : a soldier who has died or lost consciousness has been found by his friends and they try to awaken him , finding out if he is dead .
13 A similar result has been found in the Gulf of St Lawrence in Canada .
14 A similar result has been found by Strauss et al . .
15 Seeds of similar type have been found associated with a number of the Carboniferous seed-fern leaves .
16 Coins of the Roman period have been found in the woods and fields around the village .
17 Of particular interest was a pear-shaped enamelled perfume flask , since the nearest similar vessel has been found at Nijmegen , indicating some form of trade connection between Catterick and the Netherlands .
18 LAST WEEK 'S announcement that a gigantic cloud of dark gas has been found in space is leading to speculation about an ‘ invisible mass ’ hidden within it .
19 Similar consistency has been found in urban constituencies .
20 No perfect model has been found
21 According to international multicentre surveys by the Sarles ' group , chronic pancreatitis has been found predominantly in two types of countries .
22 For some decades now the lowest average fertility has been found , not at the top of the social scale , but among families where the husband is in social class IIIN ( clerical workers , clerks , salesmen ) .
23 There is no precise form for such a statement , but the following structure has been found useful in practice :
24 Trading standards are liasing with colleagues in Liverpool where similar material has been found .
25 Santesson said that no weapons-related material had been found but that the Iraqi side had refused to give details of the chemical weapons used in its 1980-88 war with Iran .
26 Otto 's dismembered body has been found in the tunnel , a murder investigation is already under way .
27 An assessment is under way of some of the most important coastal sites and already widespread damage has been found .
28 This hypothesis has been examined in several studies looking at the PiZ phenotype and periportal α 1 AT granules in patients and controls , and no evidence to support involvement of α 1 AT in genetic predisposition has been found .
29 Before they left the Irish capital , they told how pure joy replaced unbearable anguish when they learned their little girl had been found safe .
30 The minimum this required was that Galileo should be warned that a heliostatic universe had been found formally heretical and that he must no longer hold or defend it .
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