Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] above [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , the open cluster NGC 5822 , with an integrated magnitude of above 7 , is easy to find ; it lies in the field with Zeta .
2 The move was intended to bolster the strength of the deutschmark and to stem inflation ( running at an annualized rate of above 4 per cent , and in the Bundesbank 's view likely to become higher as a result of possible high wage settlements in the current round of pay talks and the government 's expansionary fiscal policy following unification ) .
3 Despite its location in Britain 's most prosperous region , Kent , and especially East Kent , is a relatively depressed area with above average levels of unemployment .
4 Approximately 1,725,000 people receive water with a maximum concentration of above 50 mg/litre .
5 In 22 of the 40 seats Labour won from the Tories , the swing in the constituency was higher than the regional average , and there was a significant cluster of above 6 per cent swings .
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