Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] soon as the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Their origin will , however , become clear as soon as the number of neutrons produced can be increased by increasing currents and temperatures . ’
2 She felt foolish as soon as the words were out .
3 There is in many societies a strong economic , political and psychic advantage in having male children , so the proposition of preventing any births , precludes that possibility , and those benefits are perceived to be real as soon as the ( male ) child is born .
4 They could say it is human as soon as the egg is fertilised .
5 It would become redundant as soon as the meaning of certain words was made clear .
6 Hopes are still expressed that old manufacturing industries will re-employ all those previously made redundant as soon as the economic recession is over .
7 It would have to be renewed as soon as the the nationalization was prepared to go , the government took over .
8 The realities of the necessity for an ‘ exchange of substances ’ between town and countryside immediately became pressing as soon as the external pressures on the alliance subsided .
9 The disproportionate hold it has on the psyche of white South Africa was evident as soon as the two-pronged Antipodean assault on the previously unconquered Springbok citadel got underway .
10 Houses had to be boarded up and rendered both impenetrable and inaccessible as soon as the inhabitants moved out , so that squatters and wreckers could not move in .
11 This should not be necessary as soon as the band plays in larger venues .
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