Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] i 'd [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 But if I had one drink of any description that 's the one thing that would make me nervous because I 'd be afraid that I 'd forget this or forget the other , so we just do n't have them at all you know .
2 And at the end of that fifty thousand years , if that 's what it is , the populations are sufficiently different that I 'd think you 'd want to put them into a different species if — I mean how are you to know , but I mean it 's a reasonable judgement .
3 I 'm the father of a two year old and I 'd like him in school by the age of four to learn Japanese .
4 Whichever I chose would be empty and I 'd wait , wide-eyed with disappointment , till with a flourish he produced a small toy or sweets from behind his back .
5 Which is a bit different and I 'd like to see it , that 's just one of my things , but again when you 're in , going into retirement I think you 've got to think about this , I mean I went , nobody twisted my arm , I went into that situation and I 've enjoyed it for a great many years , but now I 'm thinking I 'd , before I , it 's too late I want to have a , a l a fling in autumn as it were .
6 I was usually bored so I 'd put on
7 Or die sad and I 'd hate that !
8 I think that was why Uncle Hamish had been so delighted when I 'd come to stay with the family , and also — perhaps — why he was in no hurry to help effect a reconciliation between me and my father .
9 If it was nice and cold or I 'd put it in the freezer , then open the other one .
10 It was only eight-thirty and it did n't seem likely that I 'd go to bed early , if I went at all .
11 ‘ Your colouring is so unusual that I 'd have thought you 'd have got quite used to answering that question by now ! ’
12 ‘ I 'm not at all sure that I 'd want one . ’
13 ‘ I 'm not sure that I 'd care to expose myself to the distortions you wreak upon your subject 's features . ’
14 ‘ I was n't sure that I 'd find you in , ’ he drawled for openers — and suddenly Fabia did n't like his tone .
15 But I decided against it , not entirely sure that I 'd like the answer .
16 I have n't seen her in years , I 'm not even sure if I 'd recognize her … " she finished doubtfully .
17 That 's why I 'm not sure if I 'd buy the twelve hundred .
18 ( I looked at the young lad ) 'Cos my mate 's tired and I 'd like to do it .
19 All I 'd need is a few fags to keep me awake and I 'd have my foot down all the way .
20 ‘ She 's great and I 'd trust her with anything , ’ said Cher .
21 ‘ I 'm not sure whether I 'd read the book or the ‘ Classics Illustrated ’ edition . ’
22 I was so elated and relieved I could have kissed them , but immediately felt ashamed that I 'd let them see my fear .
23 Cut it short and I 'd rake hell out of it .
24 For example , you take some cheese back to a shop and say , ‘ I 'm returning this cheese because it 's mouldy and I 'd like a refund . ’
25 Keep repeating , ‘ I 'm returning this cheese because it 's mouldy and I 'd like a refund . ’
26 Somebody , somebody said finances , I think it 's very important and I 'd like to look at financial implication and see if we can do something about it .
27 ‘ I thought you were angry because I 'd run away . ’
28 The wound of entry was small and I 'd say the gun was held at a little more than an inch from the chap 's neck . ’
29 I 've gone to see my favourite players play — I 'd see them one night and they 'd be phenomenal and I 'd like the show so much that I would go the next night , drive two hours to see it and it would suuuuck ! and that 's just the way it is . ’
30 Sometimes when I was drunk and I 'd see him standing there looking all quiet and black and white and gorgeous , waiting for someone to take him home , I 'd get all teary and want to go up and slap him and shout in his face : How can you possibly understand what it means !
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