Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [indef pn] 's [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Just to make sure that everything 's done
2 I will make sure that everybody 's issued with them .
3 And Howard strolls benignly among the guests , squeezing an elbow here , kissing a cheek there , making sure that everyone 's got everything he wants .
4 And the union , I mean I 'm not blaming just NUPE I mean every union but we seem to have stood still and nothing 's happened and th and , and the m , and the members are actually sick of their lies about what , what am I paying all this money for then ?
5 Shall we go now , I think we 're very late because everyone 's gone in
6 As long as nobody 's ripped all the little bits off .
7 No , it 's alright cos someone 's rung up from home , say be in eight o'clock , so she wants to do something .
8 erm we I mean we , we , we 've looked at the , the peasant tenant relationship erm and my , my opinion is that basically you know it was n't quite as bad as everyone 's made out erm but al okay we 're saying that warlords were , were very imperialistic and they were a huge fact to be considered but in Hunan and within the south erm eastern region say
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