Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] directly [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Doing the advanced course directly after the basic was an excellent idea .
2 A third method of data entry allows the designer to insert specific coordinate and rotational values directly into the controlling data file .
3 Thru models many of its narrative strategies directly on the writings of Julia Kristeva and Luce Irigaray , and more indirectly on those of Jacques Lacan and Jacques Derrida .
4 This November should see some of the works in the new galleries , from the ‘ Primitives ’ to Poussin , transferred to a suite of twenty rooms on the second floor of the Richelieu wing , which will be reached by escalators and lifts bringing visitors to the galleries of French paintings directly from the Pyramid .
5 5a ) ; furthermore , a type of four-petalled flower which occupies a tilted square directly below the peacock ( pI .
6 While this is less true , or even untrue at the bottom of the organization , those at the top share directly in the benefits of organizational goal achievement , such as seeing their stock values go up , deferred compensation , and fringe benefits …
7 They tend instead to translate the power of gender and other social relations directly into the unconscious .
8 BSL therefore provides a great deal of aspectual information directly for the receiver , while English sets out the same story in a different way , allowing alteration of event structure without destroying meaning .
9 These findings of a late response of PYY to intracolonic oleate suggest an indirect mechanism , rather than stimulation of the enteric endocrine cells directly by the luminal contents .
10 They could do this by interfering with the transport of NGF along the fibre ; as in this experiment , the application of extra NGF directly on the cell body could help to stop the damage .
11 In February 1974 the original lessee assigned the lease to the second defendant , a company , which duly entered into the required covenant directly with the landlord .
12 For a few years it would undoubtedly be more expensive to cable Britain with optical-fibre links directly into the home .
13 Favourable financing from the Public Works Loan Board is still made available to the local authorities , although the money market rationale has largely disappeared and local authorities borrow only limited amounts directly in the capital markets .
14 Bramble et al supplemented this observation by administering a PT-gliadin preparation directly into the proximal jejunum of adult coeliac patients in remission and controls .
15 Instead of calculating the electric field directly from the charge distribution let us first determine the potential and obtain the electric field by differentiation .
16 The area was very wet with a large puddle directly under the end of the slide .
17 But he was n't going to risk going for the green in two — he 's a gambler , but he 's not stupid , not with a one-stroke lead — and so he hit a wedge for his second shot short of the lake and then a 155-yard 9-iron directly over the flag for his approach .
18 The lords compelled the peasants to hand over a considerable portion of the agricultural goods that they produced as tenant farmers on small strips of land , and also to perform customary services directly for the benefit of the lord .
19 In order to produce the majority of regular returns directly from the computer , each employee record was extended by adding the following fields of information .
20 Unfortunately , for the traditional printing and graphic arts industries , the desktop publishing ‘ revolution ’ has taken place largely outside their control and has placed the capability to generate complex artwork directly in the hands of anyone with access to a computer and around £1,000 or less for the necessary software .
21 As we have seen , at least one form of the established economic torts ( intimidation ) may exist even though the defendant uses unlawful means directly against the plaintiff rather than against a third party .
22 This puts black women directly in the firing line : firstly , because they are seen as playing a key role in reproducing the alien culture , and , secondly , because their fertility is identified as excessive and therefore threatening .
23 Thus it is impossible to test grand unified theories directly in the laboratory .
24 Lay a piece of damp greaseproof paper directly on the surface of the custard and allow to cool .
25 From there it was possible to get into the Cathedral only through a large , very heavy door directly opposite the one they had just come through .
26 The Oilbar medium is firm but mobile in handling and has a buttery smoothness which allows for delicate or robust application directly onto the painting surface .
27 Unfortunately , as elsewhere in the tenth and eleventh centuries , the Russians followed Byzantine building methods closely in , for example , laying the tiled roofs directly upon the vaults .
28 It is possible to scan them with the existing equipment and incorporate their digitised image directly into the page design but the quality is still rather poor .
29 Hardly had the dust begun to settle in the wake of presentation graphics we are due to be swamped by the ability to mix live and recorded video directly into the middle of computer generated presentations .
30 The opening of the airport has affected tourism in Madeira more than any other single factor and has transported an isolated island directly into the latter half of the twentieth century .
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