Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] can make [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , West German officials in Brussels find that the prospect of German unity can make it easier to extract concessions from Bonn : the words ‘ but minister , this will be taken as a sign of German nationalism ’ work wonders .
2 In this chapter you have discovered many ways in which foods containing dietary fibre can make you feel more satisfied — and the food has not yet gone down the throat .
3 The second is that the complexity of many production and commercial processes can make it particularly difficult to weave the coaching role into the normal run of affairs .
4 Professional punters can make it pay by carefully studying form but the average punter will end up with £81 for every Pounds 100 staked .
5 off that , er I think several of us believe that the complexities of trust law at the present moment can make it very difficult if one agreed .
6 However , since Ecstasy is a designer drug , a competent chemist can make it anywhere and underworld sources claim it is produced in the region .
7 A dreadful pregnancy or birth that produces a healthy baby can make it difficult for a mother to allow her baby to cry even for a few minutes .
8 Swimming off Britain 's sewage-strewn beaches can make you sick , but constant campaigning from The Marine Conservation Society has put pressure on local authorities to tell the public exactly what and where the dangers are .
9 ‘ Aye , a heavy blow , or a deep blow — but a long knife can make them that little heavier , or deeper , and never be noticed .
10 Physical activities can also sometimes cause difficulties since restricted visual fields can make it difficult for a child to catch a ball , wield a bat effectively or aim at a goal .
11 Benefits such as good facilities can make it worth travelling farther ; it 's amazing how a well-designed yard can cut down on working time .
12 People like Garth Crooks , Mike MacFarlane and Garry Thompson traced back how they could have made their blackness the basis for defeatism , admitting that ‘ there 's no way a black guy can make it in this society . ’
13 People who have been married apparently happily , for a long time can make you fed an outsider with just one private glance .
14 But physical disabilities can make it difficult for you to express your sexuality .
15 The latter has lovely tones but is not always an easy leaf to use as its heavy colouring can make it difficult to incorporate into a design .
16 At last , psychologists claim to have found proof that glossy magazine images of thin , super-sexy models can make us ill .
17 They will have suggested topics which will bind the poor as a class together ; topics which will excite them against the rich ; topics the discussion of which in the only form in which that discussion reaches the ear will be to make them think that some new law can make them comfortable … — that Government has at its disposal an inexhaustible fund out of which it can give to those who now want without also creating elsewhere other and greater wants .
18 The value that your job is given by other people can make it seem worthwhile .
19 Do follow the natural shape — drawing in new eyebrows can make you look permanently surprised or over-made-up .
20 Although ANTA 's new location can make it difficult to get raw materials in and finished product out , the Stewarts are convinced the move north was a good one geographically .
21 Entrenched competitors can make it hard for a supplier to win new orders .
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