Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] for deaf [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately they may also prove a hindrance if BSL is presented only as manual English , through the tutor 's adherence to English or through the other necessity of providing English syntax for deaf people one is in contact with , since ‘ it will help their English ’ .
2 The Royal National Institute for Deaf People Roadshow will feature the revolutionary ‘ Typetalk ’ communications system , which allows deaf and hard of hearing people to use the telephone for the first time .
3 As early as 1872 , he was proposing the formation of a national body for deaf people , but it took long and persistent efforts on his part before the National Deaf and Dumb Society was founded in 1879 .
4 The National Deaf and Dumb Society , the first ever national organisation for deaf people in Britain , had had a very short-lived existence — a mere 6 years — before it dissolved in internal strife in 1885 .
5 High-tech help for deaf people
6 Notwithstanding the type of membership , the formation of the National Deaf Club was an important development for deaf people , for through it there grew the camaraderie that we see today in the deaf community — a sense of belonging to a body that was quite acceptable in social terms .
7 Its status , once ensured , not only in theory but in practice , offers opportunities for increasing involvement for deaf people and ready access to accumulated knowledge .
8 The N.D.D.S. had , however , shown , albeit briefly , how a nationwide organisation for deaf people could be beneficial , and a number of determined people resolved to continue the fight to establish another body .
9 There was one positive side for deaf people arising from the War : with so many men volunteering or going into the Armed Services , there was a desperate shortage of labour in the workplace , especially in munitions factories .
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