Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] of influence [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My feeling is that we probably need to create a set of interlocutors on a regional basis who can have the right kind of influence on EC regional and social policies . ’
2 Nevertheless , the story provoked questions as to Clinton 's honesty and to his possible misuse of influence in appointing Flowers to her current job in return for her silence .
3 To ensure that the Bank can maintain an acceptable degree of influence over short-term rates , the monetary control regulations introduced in 1981 required that banks maintain with the discount market funds equal to a daily minimum of 4 per cent and a monthly average of 6 per cent of their ‘ eligible ’ liabilities .
4 The prevalence of many countervailing centres of influence to government , in the form of local associations will in the long-term make it increasingly difficult for governments to concentrate all power in their hands .
5 Theory and practice became absolutely autonomous spheres of influence with the result that left critics and reviewers were unable to develop the critical tools needed to shape a politically effective interventionist theory and practice of film and television criticism .
6 Deaf education has been associated with a great deal of dogma which has had varying degrees of influence over the years .
7 The UK profession has lobbied the DTI , Parliament , the European Commission , the European Parliament , and national centres of influence by giving seminars in many of the European countries .
8 As British diplomats manoeuvred to protect extra-European spheres of influence against foreign rivals , they found themselves inexorably drawn into taking sides in the hardening alliance system on the European continent .
9 Such advice was undoubtedly given since the predilections and experience of the aid donors and advisers who exercise , I would argue , a quite disproportionate amount of influence in deciding fundamental issues of curricular policy , strongly supported the idea of centre or project based curriculum development .
10 Although the persistent maintenance of negative real interest rates is an indication of the government 's underlying attitude to monetary policy , it is by no means certain that , under the conditions existing in Yugoslavia , high interest rates have a great deal of influence on expenditure .
11 It is going to have a great deal of influence on the future of Unix because it is going to influence , for example , how we spend our money on research and development . ’
12 The Parler family was an architectural one , the members of which had a great deal of influence on Gothic architecture both in Czechoslovakia and further afield to Vienna and Milan .
13 James Topping reflected : ‘ Yes , [ the CNAA ] had a great deal of influence on the development of academic boards .
14 Directly and indirectly , they have a great deal of influence over curricular matters .
15 Green 's own views carried a good deal of influence within another " extension movement " , the " settlements " , set up from the 1880s in London 's East End and other urban areas .
16 This certainly did not apply to the next great dog of influence on the British show scene : Ch.
17 In the secondary sector they have a long history of influence as local employers .
18 The fruit of his labours for the RIIA was a volume of nearly 2,000 pages ( An African Survey , 1938 ) which immediately became the basis of intensive discussion at the Colonial Office and which secured for Hailey , until 1943 , an unrivalled position of influence in the Office 's debate on the future of Africa , which he himself had been instrumental in bringing into being .
19 The federal government had proposed that enactment of its September 1991 constitutional reform proposals [ see p. 38429 ] should depend on approval by seven provinces representing at least 50 per cent of Canada 's population , and the NDP could thus have an unexpected degree of influence over their fate .
20 In early 1656 she secured a considerable degree of influence over James Nayler [ q.v. ] , whose works were published first by Calvert and then by Thomas Simmonds .
21 Many of the sheriffships were also heritable offices , which again conferred powers of private patronage upon their holders where this had not been specifically reserved to the Crown , and a great magnate who had inherited a small empire of such judicial rights had considerable powers of influence in his region , both from the offices themselves and the opportunities which they gave to oblige friends , and from the powers of the courts , for regalian jurisdiction was extended over the possessions of landowners who held their estates as the vassals of the magnate .
22 It may even affect current ‘ aesthetic ’ tastes and judgements , though it would be hazardous to speculate how , and the arts maintain important centres of influence outside the higher education system , in publishing , museums , galleries and the media .
23 The Bolshevik revolution lent new urgency to Russian demands for general peace negotiations , and , in December , the new regime 's publication of secret treaties between the Allies laying down agreed post-war spheres of influence in Turkey and the Middle East , appeared to lend force to claims that the war was being fought for imperial gain .
24 said , at p. 21 : ‘ The first question , therefore , is whether the bond of 1859 was obtained by the undue exercise of influence of the stepfather , and was it obtained under such exercise as that the knowledge of it can be imputed to [ the creditor ] ? ’
25 Any confident assessment of the precise role of influence at elections , therefore , must await the publication of their findings .
26 It is certainly true that the individual is more sensitive to particular types of influence at some developmental stages than at others , but to say that tells us little , either about the extent to which the period can be shifted or about the reasons for the increased sensitivity .
27 It may be conceded however , that there is , or was , a power or some other kind of influence beyond man 's comprehension , which was responsible for the start of life , but that influence must be identified with the timeless universe itself .
28 In practice , where a public company has a wide spread of shareholders , a significant minority shareholding may give the holder a decisive degree of influence over the company 's activities .
29 A secret protocol of the Nazi-Soviet pact , designating German and Soviet spheres of influence in Finland , Estonia , Lithuania , Latvia and Poland , highlights in retrospect the casuistry of Aragon 's analysis and the inevitability of Nizan 's departure from the PCF .
30 Detached from the orbit of the old Raymondin counts of Toulouse , they were carving out a quasi-autonomous sphere of influence for themselves along the Pyrenean frontier .
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