Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] in the corner " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , it 's just in this one top part in the corner
2 Picking her up gently in his mouth he carried her back home , sweeping her flamboyantly over the threshold and into their new abode — his cosy old basket in the corner of the kitchen !
3 She ejected the clip and threw it amongst a pile of discarded wooden crates in the corner of the shed , then buried the rifle under a mound of rubble in the pockmarked skip .
4 The long benches were replaced by two and one reversible cushioned seats , with longitudinal seats in the corners .
5 So they drank it , and ate what they could of the unprepossessing fare , conscious of the hostile gaze of the stuffed fish in the corner .
6 The grandfather , a former soldier in India and retired horseman , had had a leg amputated : ‘ he ended up wi' a stump , so he used to sit in this … old chair in the corner … and nurse Aunt Lillie 's children . ’
7 From one dim object to another he let his eyes roam , and he saw them all clearly : the Louis Quinze couch between the long windows , the French glass-fronted cabinet in the corner opposite , the sixteenth-century iron-bound chest standing in the alcove , its lid flat against the wall , held there by a pyramid of logs .
8 He shut the door quickly behind him and came and sat on the small wooden chair in the corner .
9 He sat on the wooden chair in the corner and looked at Lambert as if he were a self-confessed criminal .
10 Lucy had curled up on a pile of old throwouts in the corner of the Wardrobe department , and had pulled some of them over herself like a burrowing animal .
11 Then , just when they thought that they had finished and were about to leave the room , up pipes a small Scottish voice in the corner which says , ’ What about Scotland ? ’
12 An old man in the corner sang Where the water lilies grow And on the jukebox , Johnny sang about a thing called love And it 's how 're ya kid and what 's your name and how 'd you bloody know …
13 Al-Makesh pointed to a wooden container in the corner of the room .
14 The old chap in the corner 's got them .
15 ‘ I 'll be over there , ’ Graham cut in sharply and indicated an empty table in the corner of the room .
16 A girl in a duffel coat and jeans was taking an early lunch in the corner , reading a magazine and eating a sandwich from an open plastic container on the seat beside her .
17 Belinda said hello to one of them , Judy Stack , whom she knew from the nurses ' home , then sat on a rather uncomfortable chair in the corner as Faye was examined by a junior obstetrician .
18 Heads were lolling , one uncle was snuffling in sleep already , from an easy chair in the corner .
19 Soon , however , she did not have enough time to do this although someone had to relieve the poor beast , and the fresh creamy milk often sat in a gleaming churn in the corner of the kitchen untouched until it went rancid and had to be thrown away .
20 The silence in the room stretched out , unbroken except by the heavy , deliberate ticking of the long-case clock in the corner .
21 The furnishings were an indiscriminate mess : a bit of Habitat here , a dash of Laura Ashley there , a few near-antiques , some Scandinavian minimalism , an MFI recliner-rocker , and let's bung a tank of Japanese fighting-fish in the corner .
22 Just a little bit in the corner .
23 No , I 'll get mine out I 've got a little dip in the corner !
24 Afterwards , I sat on his lap while he drank some of that funny-smelling liquid and stared at the moving pictures in the corner .
25 He looked round and saw the froth of white cotton in the corner , as pretty a cradle as any woman could want .
26 I glanced at the answering machine in the corner and saw that the red light was glowing .
27 There was a large bookcase in the corner of his office , stocked mainly with leather-bound volumes ; but the end of the lowest shelf was brightened by the clear colours of a number of paperbacks .
28 ‘ You can always tell the ones he did , he used to put a little devil in the corner , do you remember that ? ’
29 The room reflected an aggressive nature — the photographs of burly boxers with fists held high in victory , the guns in the cabinet on the wall , the small black-and-white television blaring out the commentary of a boxing match , the picture of a large dog in the corner .
30 She went over to the big , old , white sink in the corner and Joe fetched out the hoe and vanished towards the vegetable field .
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