Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] is sometimes " in BNC.

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1 These were , first , that ‘ there is a good deal of concern that the planning system should permit town centre and residential development that is sometimes strikingly out of scale or sympathy with the area affected ’ .
2 For instance , the whole episode of the homosexual 's gingerly desperate ‘ coming out ’ in a hostile society is achieved in a genuinely moving manner , so that one can easily forgive the hesitancies and lack of narrative drive that is sometimes apparent elsewhere .
3 The question is interesting in part because of an erroneous answer that is sometimes given to it .
4 As an educational tool , simulation is not only an invaluable training aid for personnel who may one day be confronted with a real situation but is sometimes the only method for dealing with improbable but possible events .
5 Len possessed that amazing ability that is sometimes found in footballers , to ‘ hang ’ in the air for a fraction of a second , so enabling him to obtain greater power and better direction from the ensuing header .
6 There has been one very disturbing factor in keeping this particular type of fish , and that has been discovering the incredible cruelty that is sometimes used in order to increase the sale of them .
7 It calls for physical and mental reaction and is sometimes affected for good or bad by our emotions .
8 Which means the kind of film that is not financed by the major American companies and is sometimes thought of as art rather than commerce .
9 Much of this care is not voluntary ; it is enforced by lack of other services and is sometimes resented by those doing the caring .
10 One other possibility that is sometimes considered if a camera is available in an institution is local production of teaching materials .
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