Example sentences of "[art] set of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You can make any set into the set of nodes of a graph .
2 Or symbolically , if we let $ be the set of sentences in language L , C the set of possible contexts , P the set of propositions , and U the cartesian product of S x C — i.e. the set of possible combinations of members of S with members of C , and we let the corresponding lower case letters stand for elements or members of each of those sets ( i.e. s e S , c e C , p e P , u e U ) : ( 16 ) f(u) =p ( or:f ( s , c ) = p ) i.e. f is a function that assigns to utterances the propositions that express their full meaning in context Gazdar ( 1979a : 4-5 ) , on the other hand , wishes to capture the ways in which utterances change the context in which they are uttered ; he shows that Katz 's formulation is incompatible with that goal , and therefore suggests instead : ( 17 ) f(u) c ( or:f ( s , c ) c ) i.e. f is a function from utterances to contexts , namely the contexts brought about by each utterance ( or : f assigns to each sentence plus the context prior to its utterance , a second context caused by its utterance ) The idea here is that the shift from the context prior to an utterance to the context post utterance itself constitutes the communicational content of the utterance .
3 The set of changes by which during the last 700 years or so , for example : /ei : / became /i : / in words like see /i : / became/ai : / in words like time / / became / / in words like bone
4 The discussion will take place actually on the set of SPECIALS in the BBC studio .
5 conceiving the set of collocations of a word as its co-ordinates in multi-dimensional space ;
6 Remember that , in general , the set of Z-parameters to be used in equations ( 10.7 ) or ( 10.8 ) and the set of h-parameters to be used in equations ( 10.10 ) or ( 10.12 ) will depend on the operating bias .
7 Hence the total differential dXi = 0 and we have the set of equations from which the vj may be found in terms of the spatial coordinates provided that we know the explicit form of .
8 I 'm afraid I 'd have to rewire this guitar in a more commonsense manner , so the toggle switch points towards the set of controls in use ( that 's the key , I think ) , and also so that the volumes sit fore and the tones aft , the way Gibsons and Fenders do .
9 On this basis the Sub-Committee selected the set of submissions for further development to Phase 2 , and in some cases gave guidance on the approach to be adopted .
10 For the set of circumstances in which the patient finds himself is a very great contributing factor to the possible inroads into his right to self-determination .
11 It might be felt that this is not perhaps the set of circumstances in which ignoring ail Continental experience would seem to be a logical and easily justified decision .
12 5 Write out the set of factors of 24 .
13 6 Find the set of factors of 30 .
14 Six theses in this category were from Imperial College , and it would be reasonable to suggest that the copies consulted , and subsequently cited by authors other than the thesis authors , were from London University 's main library , where the set of theses for inter-library loan is kept .
15 Further , such a view provides a nice parallel with semantics : for just as a semantic theory is concerned , say , with the recursive assignment of truth conditions to well-formed formulae , so pragmatics is concerned with the recursive assignment of appropriateness conditions to the same set of sentences with their semantic interpretations In other words , a pragmatic theory should in principle predict for each and every well-formed sentence of a language , on a particular semantic reading , the set of contexts in which it would be appropriate .
16 Each node acts as a name for the set of examples near it .
17 One way to do this would be to treat a space as a legal character and build the whole of the set of compounds into the word recognition tree with an index at the end .
18 Our scope is also even further limited by the set of authors on whom we have chosen to concentrate .
19 9. 5 is an element of the set of multiples of 5 .
20 I knew she was n't far offshore , but I did n't know anything about the set of currents off Winter Marsh , and if I just rowed into darkness I might miss her altogether , and be carried anywhere .
21 These histories , their temporalities defined according to the specific concepts of particular domains , are not , however , independent of the whole : they are dependent on it , but in a structure derived from the ‘ differential relations between the different levels within the whole … the mode and degree of independence of each time and history is therefore necessarily determined by the mode and degree of dependence of each level within the set of articulations of the whole ’ ( 100 ) .
22 Such objects do not lie beyond our grasp , as the sceptic might suggest ; for we can hope that every member of the set of statements about what would be observed should be conclusively verified , and in such a case there would remain no further possibility that the material object statement should be false .
23 It thus affords a way in which the results of measurement can be associated with quantum mechanical observables : the possible results of measuring an observable are just the set of eigenvalues of the corresponding operator .
24 I had already discussed with Roger Penrose the idea of defining a black hole as the set of events from which it was not possible to escape to a large distance , which is now the generally accepted definition .
25 If you are making the set of pictures as a gift , you should consider the favourite colours of the recipient or perhaps choose shades that blend with a colour scheme in their home .
26 Their aim was to partition the set of pictures by the shapes of the engines and wagons .
27 Remember that , in general , the set of Z-parameters to be used in equations ( 10.7 ) or ( 10.8 ) and the set of h-parameters to be used in equations ( 10.10 ) or ( 10.12 ) will depend on the operating bias .
28 The set of coefficients on the right-hand side ( in this case ) is called the signature of the space and labels the properties of the space .
29 When the set of children of N is infinite , it will not be feasible to calculate f for them all .
30 For example we can use it to show that it is possible to pivot from any primal feasible tableau ( T1 ) corresponding to a set of constraints to any other primal feasible tableau ( T2 ) for these constraints , maintaining primal feasibility .
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