Example sentences of "[art] us [noun] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The US parent then hiked turnover at one of the subsidiaries from £6.7 million to £24.2 million in only six years .
2 The US government finally agreed to India 's purchase of a Cray XMP 14 " supercomputer " , but not the more advance model which the Indians had requested .
3 The US government also vetoed a plan to have the reports of the working groups reviewed jointly by the US National Academy of Sciences ( NAS ) and Canada 's Royal Academy of Sciences .
4 If Libya was solely responsible for the bombing of Flight 103 , why did the US government resolutely refuse on grounds of national security to open the relevant files for judicial or congressional examination , if necessary in camera , in order to dispose of alternative theories , rumours and speculation about the real cause of the Lockerbie tragedy ?
5 The US government originally supported its infant local industry by buying integrated circuits ( ICs ) for defence purposes before the commercial market emerged .
6 The US government recently allocated $20 million to reduce pollution in the city .
7 The Japanese take more trouble to find out how the US system really works , and who can make it work for them .
8 The US dollar also weakened considerably following the start of the Gulf crisis .
9 The US Navy also played an important , though often forgotten , role in the war .
10 But corporate America is a can-do world , and the US networks usually succeed .
11 Because of the lack of new lending and the resulting shortfall in financing to provide collateral to support the bonds , the US Treasury eventually agreed in January to issue the bonds at a higher effective interest rate .
12 The US deficit also enabled most West European central banks to accumulate dollar reserves and as a consequence most of their currencies became fully convertible for non-residents after December 1958 , which further facilitated the international transfer of funds .
13 However , as the results of the first inspections started to come in the seriousness of the problem was realised and the US authorities eventually went so far as to call for the use of specially made ultrasonic probes for detecting cracks round the fastener holes .
14 The US Senate also approved the treaty on Oct. 10 when a motion was passed that the ratification should not be construed as tacit US acceptance of the Soviet annexation of the Baltic states of Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania .
15 The vote on Jan. 22 by the US House of Representatives to override the presidential veto on the student bill provoked an angry reaction from China , and on Jan. 25 the US Senate narrowly voted to sustain Bush 's veto ; a two-thirds majority was needed in both houses of Congress to overturn a presidential veto .
16 The US Senate formally approved on Sept. 18 an immediate nine-month moratorium on underground nuclear test explosions , and a total ban by October 1996 .
17 Mr Frank Rubino , a Miami lawyer , negotiated with Mr Michael Kozak , the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs , and with Mr Robert Muller , described as a senior staff adviser in the office of the Attorney-General After demanding that Gen Noriega simply step down , the US officials then relaxed their terms and suggested he relinquish positions of power in return for a US promise not to proceed with attempts to extradite him .
18 The US embassy even suggested that a Conservative government might find it more difficult to keep public protest within bounds .
19 According to a report presented on June 14 by the AMA 's Board of Trustees at the organisation 's annual meeting in Chicago , the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution severely restricts the US government 's power to set prices or to limit an individual 's spending .
20 Many of the Asian designers the US trade weekly talked to were worried about the 66MHz clock frequency , because at that speed , stray radiations become a serious problem and it is unlikely that garage operations are going to be able to knock up boards using the chip that will work .
21 China repudiated a report in February 1989 by the UN Commission on Human Rights which condemned its record in Tibet between October 1987 and March 1988 , and expressed indignation in March when the European Parliament and the US Congress both passed resolutions condemning the declaration of martial law .
22 An Act passed by the US Congress now provides Federal resources to clean up these hazardous sites — the number of which could increase 10-fold in the next few years .
23 The US Congress yesterday sent the long-delayed $14.7 billion deficit reduction bill to the White House for President Bush 's signature .
24 After discussions with American Department of Transportation officials , Branson 's Washington lawyers advised him that although there was no clear indication that Virgin 's application would be ‘ held hostage ’ to the demands of PanAm , ‘ the US team certainly has these issues at the forefront of their decision-making process ’ .
25 The US pilots later allowed an Iraqi search-and-rescue helicopter to fly to the crash site and then return to its base .
26 There is a suspicion amongst the European aviation community that the US authorities and , to a slightly lesser extent , the US manufacturers either do not bother to take proper account of the findings and recommendations made by investigating authorities outside the USA or else consider them to be of little or no importance .
27 Finally Americans and the rest of the world witnessed on television unbelievable scenes as a US Marine colonel and a US admiral both invoked the Fifth Amendment so that they need not tell the truth about their dishonest dealings .
28 A US commander also accused Somali militiamen of mutilating Pakistanis captured in the June 5 killing of 23 Pakistani UN peacekeepers , which prompted the current crisis in southern Mogadishu .
29 It 's not the most efficient of systems , so Mr Nabakov has been considering a move over to a suitable ledger system for quite some time , and is in the process of introducing Platinum , a US package recently released in Britain ( see suppliers panel ) .
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