Example sentences of "[art] other be [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One is a ghost and the other is a corpse . ’
2 The other is a consortium which includes Multivision , an upstart pay-TV company in Mexico City which claims more subscribers than Televisa .
3 On the other is a cartoon of the Queen , in tatters , saying : ‘ Can you spare us £60 million , guv ? ’ .
4 In other words , the differences between the two may come down to the fact that one is a linguist interested in grammar , while the other is a psychologist interested in the functional relations between language and the immediate context .
5 One 's dead , one 's in prison , and the other is a sailor . ’
6 The other is a Teacher 's Resource Cassette containing the extension stories and help with presentation techniques .
7 The occurrence of /aI/ in one dialect and /eI/ in the other is a result of the agreement within each community on a consensus norm of usage within that community , and the difference can not be explained without some reference to this fact .
8 I am told there are two sisters who dwell under one roof , and can not speak to one another , for the one is a Free Churcher and the other is a Baptist ; and that one gave to the other cause of great offence , having put cream in the tea of the other when such kind office was not desired .
9 The piece I did is on one side , and on the other is a piece by The Kronos Quartet , called Different Trains . ’
10 One is an actual building which holds a bar , restaurant , disco , or any combination of the three , that is there specifically for singles to patronise , the other is a group of people who are all single and form a club that has different social activities at different venues .
11 The other is a motor of highly original design ( for the conversant , one without commutator or armature ) , one of which now carries the great lens on Lundy North lighthouse that warns sailors of the savage coastline of the area .
12 The reason for this in turn is quite straightforward : in any language which makes a distinction between nouns and adjectives , it will be natural to use an adjective when assignment of a property is required ; it may sometimes be quite easy to find an adjective and a noun which express near enough — or even exactly — the same properties , and differ only in that one is an adjective and the other is a noun , but to use the latter for assignment is to risk conveying the unwanted imputation of " entity-hood " on top of the semantic value required ( see Section 1.10 ) ; therefore when a noun or noun phrase is chosen it will normally presuppose that the construction is not that of assignment of a property but instead one of equation .
13 On one side is a discarded ‘ Frau mit totem Kind auf die Knieen ’ ( Woman holding a dead child ) , on the other is a self-portrait .
14 The other is a strategy of discrimination which magnifies and exploits every kind of social distinction ( of wealth , culture status , etc. ) to be found within a designated subject population and gives it a racist connotation as signifying certain ‘ exclusive traits ’ .
15 The other is an insider 's , told so as to make us understand what the events mean , in a sense distinct from any meaning found in unearthing the laws of nature .
16 The other is an attempt to trump ‘ bad ’ , non-conformist political education with ‘ good ’ , stabilising citizenship education .
17 The other is the writer 's expectation of , and perhaps preference for , the reader 's neutrality .
18 The other is the river Great Eau in Lincolnshire , which has an average nitrate level over ten times as high : 37.6 mg/litre .
19 The other is the idea of political equality which presupposes that ‘ the weaker members of a political community are entitled to the same concern and respect of their government as the more powerful members have secured for themselves , so that if some men have freedom of decision whatever the effect on the general good , then all men must have the same freedom ’ ( Dworkin , 1978 , p. 199 ) .
20 This can be done under two headings : one is the emergence of parliamentary government , and the other is the development of the welfare state and the managed economy .
21 Earlier I said there were two types of data files ; the other is the type which you create using a computer program .
22 One is the requirement that contracts in the independent sector should go from now on ( except in ‘ exceptional circumstances ’ and subject to minimum standard requirements ) to the highest bidder : the other is the reduction in the programme obligations which at present safeguard the claim of minority programmes to television time .
23 The other is the resilience of the union .
24 The other is the ratio of output to capital .
25 The other is the Lotus Seven sports car that Patrick McGoohan propelled around Portmeirion .
26 One of these is the Runefang carried by all Elector Counts , and the other is the Dragon Bow of Ostland , a magic bow whose arrows are tipped with dragon horn .
27 There are two problems in growing mint : one is to curtail it , the other is the fungus disease , rust .
28 The other is the story of Melvin Van Peebles , father of Mario .
29 But he could equally well have said one is enthusiasm and the other is cynicism , one is facility and the other is aridity , one is gregariousness and the other is solitude , one is the belief that no one has ever done anything of value before and the other is the belief that everything has already been done , one is spontaneity and the other is cerebration , one is joy and the other is despair , one is heart and the other is mind , one is the garret and the other is the penthouse , one is sincerity and the other is irony , one is Jung and the other is Freud , one is Rimbaud and the other is Mallarmé , one is wine and the other is coffee , one is rags and the other is riches , one is women and the other is celibacy , one is health and the other is disease , one is meat and the other is vegetables , one is life and the other is death , one is everything in upper case and the other is everything in lower case , one is everything in roman and the other is everything in italics .
30 The other is the Z o , which is predicted to have a mass in the region of 95 times that of the proton .
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