Example sentences of "[art] question of where the " in BNC.

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1 SUFFERING from hangovers after their intoxicating victory on Saturday night , Hungarian reformers and their temporary allies were split last night on the question of where the new Socialist Party should pick up the pieces , as a marginal hardline faction announced the foundation of the Hungarian Communist Party .
2 IN the more radical mood that has now gripped East Germany 's revolution , the question of where the army would stand in the event of conflict has emerged as a key issue .
3 As to the question of where the resources should come from , avoiding the easy ( albeit probably correct ) let-out of ‘ abolish capitalism ’ , I would say simply that the transfer of money to unpaid workers ought to be the next stage in the redistribution of wealth , taking precedence over ‘ breadwinners ’ pay claims , tax-cuts or ‘ family ’ benefit increases .
4 But pages later , there arises the question of where the weapon came from .
5 I did n't press him on the question of where the design had originated from , for his ready answer was ‘ off the top of my uncle 's head ’ .
6 But that just raises the question of where the energy came from .
7 This is of course to beg the question of where the dividing line between the interest of the nation state and that of the EEC is to be drawn .
8 The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that £2.75bn per year will be needed to achieve this aim , and the question of where the money will come from has not yet been agreed
9 The impartial observation able to be made is that , in both cases , it is a question of where the clubs go from here and too early to jump to any conclusions .
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