Example sentences of "[art] bit of [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I expect they want to see a bit of night life , ’ said Sister Dew .
2 Later , it 's the market and a bit of state regulation , and at the end perhaps a deregulated market .
3 Perhaps the producer thought the gentleman had had enough media exposure for a while , as I was given to understand that he had been granted quite a bit of air time one way and another in the recent past .
4 Do you want a bit of ice cream or ?
5 I it seems that somebody who 's keen maybe could do a bit of price comparison .
6 So you 're doing a bit of detective work here , what must be happening in this ?
7 Put a bit of kitchen roll on the table .
8 W w we will kn with a bit of luck procurement of consultants , we will get the , we will make a recommendation to the , to the client that , that these consultants are engaged on his behalf .
9 Width is n't too important , as long as you 've got a bit of elbow room : we made ours so that it finished at around one metre wide .
10 Erm well I think she felt that she needed a bit of life cover , you know , with the children and so on and so forth .
11 What you wants is a bit of home comfort .
12 A bit of country air will do her the world of good . ’
13 In step : Kirsty Good and Kate Davies enjoy a bit of country dancing
14 do n't you , up at with a cork and a bit of cotton wool .
15 Even a bit of fairy liquid might help .
16 A few knocks and a bit of household dust will complete the process over the years to come .
17 We like to have kings to worship and admire : we love a bit of gold leaf to ooh and ah at : we do n't mind being poor just so long as there 's someone poorer than us .
18 Do you feel up to a bit of leg work ? ’
19 The Sherborne trainer commented : ‘ He had a lot of problems last year , a bit of leg trouble and he was breaking blood vessels , but I think we 've cured both problems . ’
20 A bit of school maths solves the problem .
21 look at it , I will wash your hand in two seconds , when you 're ready , here , I 'll just wipe it with a bit of loo roll for now and we 'll wash it when your ready
22 But before you get the graphic into your document you need to do a bit of donkey work to place it properly , setting up your own margins and tabs to make room for the image .
23 Do you want a bit of toast sweetie , Tim , erm Christopher ?
24 As she walked to the door , Bodie said , ‘ Got a bit of cling film , polythene bag , something like that ? ’
25 they 're conscientious and everything but the a child 's painting is seen ju a bit of scrap paper !
26 And a bit of lab stuff ?
27 We used a bit of sign language , and that and ‘ goo' shot ’ was the only communication we had — and all we needed , because we were golfers .
28 Aj went off with three of our number to do a bit of lakeside revetment and we others set to with a will , clearing away the undergrowth alongside the path in readiness for the red shale .
29 They gave him a bit of consultancy work for the first year , but after that he did n't know what he would do .
30 ‘ I 'm sure you could still get a bit of teaching work , you know .
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