Example sentences of "[art] problem [be] [that] it " in BNC.

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1 The problem is that it is highly improbable that a group of patients with brain injury constitute a natural kind , even when they display similar symptoms on some test or other .
2 The problem is that it is hard .
3 The problem is that it is hard to equate this kind of growth with that of any known animal group .
4 The problem is that it is not just life expectancy that determines whether the child has this ‘ right to live ’ ; often handicaps such as Down 's Syndrome which is one of the primary forms of mental handicap identified by tests , are considered such a burden both to the child and the family that the pregnancy will be terminated .
5 The problem is that it has the effect of actually reinforcing alienation , leaving room for that disjunction from the natural world which allows certain scientists to behave with inconceivable cruelty in their laboratories , which allows workers in slaughter houses to treat animals as if they simply had no rights or feelings at all , which allows people to justify all manner of exploitation , as if there were no moral obligations or injunctions upon us whatsoever .
6 Once again the problem is that it is not evident that the testator intended a legal obligation to be created .
7 The problem is that it gets out of hand .
8 The problem is that it is often difficult to determine how long an individual has been drinking .
9 There is general agreement in the hot fusion community that CIT will bring significant advances to the field , but the problem is that it will cost 700 million dollars which requires new funds and imposes new pressures both within and outside the community .
10 The problem is that it would be in the self-interest of any one of us to withhold our contribution , let everyone else contribute , gain free health care and keep the cash .
11 The problem is that it is not clear whether or not pluralist accounts do anything more than to describe , without explaining .
12 The problem is that it probably all lies in the past — thirty , forty years back , if it 's Walter Machin that 's at the heart of it , as I begin to think it could be .
13 The problem is that it only works if your PC has a fax card and is set up as a fax machine .
14 The problem is that it would be very hard to justify the cost : much of this could go on after students arrived , and the course modified as it went along .
15 ‘ Our perception of the problem is that it comes and goes , according to the availability of the salmon and a lot of them have been trapped in the system because of the lack of rainfall recently .
16 Some people do n't mind answering machines , I must say , I 'm beginning to get used to them now , I think the problem is that it sort of wrong-foots you , so you get an answering machine , and think ‘ Oh my God ’ , and you know that in about a few seconds time , when you hear that bleep , you 've got to give a concise message which will be intelligible to the person when they replay it , so instead of coming out with sort of babble , you 're forced into thinking what the essence of the message is that you want to leave .
17 The problem was that it was theoretically possible for someone to introduce poison gas into a remote and perhaps unguarded part of the system and for the noxious fumes to be carried through to the General-Secretary 's apartments or office .
18 Chemistry had also had symbols , but the problem was that it had them in profusion .
19 The problem was that it was NOT cough syrup , but a hefty dose of Thawpit cleansing spirit that had been put into the medicine bottle , probably because it was the left-overs from a bigger can .
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