Example sentences of "[art] number [prep] occasion [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But even allowing for that trait of nature , the number of occasions on which both Conservatives and Labour politicians have told me they are doing better than the polls say is now large enough to make me sniff the air suspiciously .
2 The number of occasions on which heavy machinery must be driven across the land is also reduced , although compaction and ‘ panning ’ are more of a problem on heavy clay soils which are not prone to wind erosion .
3 During the progress of the bill so far ( not much and currently stalled ) it has been instructive to note the number of occasions on which the Government has not tried to force the pace beyond 10pm .
4 raises yet again a problem that has been before the Court of Appeal on a number of occasions over the past 10 years or so .
5 The implications for my daughter 's safety and security , and and mine and the rest of my family 's , because there have been a number of occasions over the years when I 've had to turn to the police because of my anxiety about that when there 's been a lot of attention from the media and when the press have published our address and so on erm and we 've had I 've had specific death threats particularly against my daughter on one occasion .
6 I made it clear on a number of occasions over recent years that there was , in retrospect , one change that I wish we had not made at the time , but it was one that was urged on us by right hon. Gentlemen opposite .
7 Sir Hilary " Hal " Miller , a senior Conservative MP , told the House that he had acted on behalf of WS during the past few years , and had warned the DTI , the Defence Ministry and an unidentified " third agency " on a number of occasions about suspicious Iraqi orders .
8 Fifty-seven and a half battalions of troops restored order in a month with about a thousand Indian casualties , aircraft being used on a number of occasions to machine-gun crowds from the air .
9 After the coup of October 1979 , the mothers spoke on a number of occasions to the government but to no avail .
10 The removal of Saddam Hussein was frequently stated not to be an explicit allied war aim , but allied leaders nevertheless referred on a number of occasions to the desirability of such an outcome , notably on Feb. 15 when US President George Bush urged the Iraqi people to overthrow what he described as the brutal dictatorship .
11 On 7 May the applicant was admitted to bail , and so far as we are aware has been at liberty ever since , although it appears that he has appeared on a number of occasions at the Guildhall Magistrates ' Court , to what effect we do not know .
12 The car has been featured on a number of occasions at Rolls-Royce Ansty , when Geoff has treated retiring colleagues to a very special trip home in a very special car .
13 And I , we 've been complimented on a number of occasions on that procedure erm by various public bodies .
14 During last year there were a number of occasions on which members made personal verbal attacks on other members .
15 Perhaps more significantly , however , it is where she paid for lunch on a number of occasions with James Gilbey , her swooning suitor of The Squidgy Tapes fame .
16 He accepted the devotion of a prostitute who anointed his feet with costly perfume , and he dined out on a number of occasions with tax collectors and sinners , who represented the social outcasts — the ‘ untouchables ’ of the day .
17 Major restoration campaigns were undertaken on the mosaic in 1619 , 1889 , 1956 and on a number of occasions with varying degrees of success since that date .
18 I am aware he has met on a number of occasions with our members , and he was instrumental in selecting a team , which met with the General Secretary of USDAW who said that they had had a er a er reasonable meeting with him .
19 It will have instructed the Parliamentary Draftsman on the preparation of the Bill ; he will have drafted it ( though probably not without returning to the department on a number of occasions for clarification of instructions or to point out to the department any legal or constitutional difficulties encountered in implementing the instructions ) .
20 Musa Anter has been imprisoned on a number of occasions for his writings .
21 Full compliance with environmental legislation remains a key , yet elusive , target and I regret that in 1992 ICI was prosecuted or fined on a number of occasions for accidental environmental infringements .
22 On a number of occasions during the war , the role of the nobility had come under attack , in particular at moments of severe crisis .
23 I had seen him on a number of occasions during my childhood in Abyssinia where my father had been British Minister at Addis Ababa , but this was the first time I spoke to him .
24 So , not saying that will be the situation in every case , but certainly there will be a number of occasions during the week , er when that kind of arrangement will apply , and hopefully it will help us to get through the business a little bit , er , quicker .
25 On a number of occasions during March members of the NPKA indicated that they wanted the new constitution to introduce a clear separation of powers between the executive and the legislature .
26 The question of an effective British veto on American use of British bases has surfaced on a number of occasions since 1952 .
27 I have myself used this technique on a number of occasions in both urban and book research .
28 This happened on a number of occasions in the nineteenth century .
29 Scott LJ ( with whom Butler-Sloss and Purchas LJJ agreed ) said that the appeal raised a question that had been before the court on a number of occasions in the past 10 years .
30 I suspect that these matters will be discussed on a number of occasions in the future , but the Opposition should not be too complacent about the attitudes and voting patterns of those north of the border for ever and a day .
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