Example sentences of "[art] influence of [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 But if Herrnstein believes that there is a conspiracy afoot to discount totally the influences of inheritance on intelligence , this is nonsense .
2 The word eugenics ( ’ good in stock ’ ) was coined in the late nineteenth century by English scientist , Francis Galton , to mean a science of selective breeding based on biological theories about the influences of heredity on human characteristics and behaviour .
3 She was glad to escape ; it had been a working lunch , set up to discuss a new second-year course on the influence of gender on literary style , and the syllabus had provoked considerable opposition from two of her older male colleagues .
4 ‘ Next term I 'm going to be teaching part of a course on the influence of gender on style , ’ Loretta added , again to little response .
5 In 1893 Bolton won the Soane medallion for his ‘ Design for a Railway Terminus ’ , and in 1895 , having become increasingly interested in the history of architecture , he won the RIBA 's silver medal for an essay on ‘ The Influence of Literature on Architecture ’ .
6 The undue influence which Courts of Equity endeavour to defeat is the undue influence of one person over another ; not the influence of enthusiasm on the enthusiast who is carried away by it , unless indeed such enthusiasm is itself the result of external undue influence .
7 The influence of Marxism on Japanese historiography strengthened the feeling that Japanese agriculture had been mercilessly exploited for the sake of industry .
8 This result underlines the importance of employing a measure which takes account of the number of workers in question in relation to the total number of employees in the organisation when testing propositions about the influence of size on personnel practices .
9 We now turn to examine briefly the influence of sex on the use of schools .
10 The influence of wealth on consumption
11 To consider the influence of wealth on aggregate consumption , we should first examine the microeconomic analysis of an individual consumer choosing between present and future consumption .
12 A further criticism which has been levelled at the Keynesian model is that it tends to understate the influence of money on the real variables in the economy .
13 THE influence of inheritance on a wide range of common diseases is to be investigated at a £5.3million research centre to be built in Edinburgh .
15 What he applied for was funding for research on ‘ The influence of geometry on social behaviour ’ .
16 Yes , we set up a unit affiliated to the University of Salzburg to look into the question of stress in music-making ; and also the influence of music on the mind and the body , of healthy people and sick people .
17 As is the case with TEC courses in general , the influence of DATEC on the art colleges has been considerable and they have been brought into curriculum development on a considerable scale .
18 The most fascinating aspect of aromatherapy is the influence of aroma on the mind and emotions — and herein lies the mysterious potency of the art .
19 This study was undertaken to investigate the influence of hyperglucaemia on gall bladder motility .
20 Moreover , the simplification can not be made , as it can in the terrestrial planets , that the influence of temperature on density is slight compared with the influence of pressure : the temperature change with depth in adiabatic lapse-rate models of Jupiter is much too large for this to be the case .
21 Moreover , sex differences in the length of effective reproductive lifespans and in the influence of age on breeding success are likely to be more pronounced in polygynous species than in monogamous ones .
22 The influence of age on survival is not clear ; some studies show an adverse effect whereas others do not .
23 Although the influence of Cubism on the German painters was less direct than it had been in the development of Futurism ( the work of Delaunay which the Germans most admired , for instance , was no longer really Cubist at all ) , unlike the Italians the Germans made no attempt to disguise their interest in the movement , and several of the artists of the Blaue Reiter actually thought of themselves as Cubist painters .
24 Few training courses for approved social workers consider the influence of alcohol on mental health problems in any depth .
25 The influence of Antiquity on the Renaissance can be sensed in Aspertini 's expressive Virgin and Child and the sensual Mars , Venus and Cupid by Palma Vecchio .
26 The influence of pragmatism on the realist 's call for a social scientific approach to the study of law can also be readily detected since a basic tenet of pragmatism was to view practical judgment as an instrumental method of inquiry which was validated by society .
27 An example of an irreversible process would be Weber 's essay on the influence of Protestantism on the development of capitalism .
28 Both of these views hold that the influence of linguistics on language teaching should be mediated through descriptions which are informed by theory .
29 Other uncertainties remain to be discussed : how should the influence of context on difficulty , for example , be taken account of ?
30 Given that all those involved were volunteers , and had been chosen at random to be guards or prisoners , what does this tell us about the influence of power on human behaviour ?
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