Example sentences of "[art] option but [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If people refuse to move ( despite inducements ) the employer may have no option but to dismiss them .
2 In principle , after 1834 , those who were physically capable of work were left no option but to support themselves .
3 But as the car sped on , it was still very much on her mind that with her car lifeless , the garage mechanics the only people able to put some life back into it , she 'd had no option but to leave her car back there .
4 For reasons best known to himself Carr kicked the legs from under Murray , leaving referee Brian White with no option but to order him off .
5 They had committed themselves to a movement and had no option but to drive it through to its end .
6 We have no option but to see it as movement from left to right .
7 He stood by his Department 's actions , and said they had had no option but to do what they did , in the way they did it .
8 ‘ I thought Flash was dying and had no option but to put her in the car , ’ Shepherd said .
9 ‘ He overstepped the mark and we had no option but to suspend him , ’ she said .
10 Belatedly aware of the grave situation in which he had foolishly placed himself , Kluck now had no option but to turn his army to face westward to counter Maunoury 's ever-growing threat .
11 The captain remonstrated , but eventually he had no option but to give it to her .
12 He took her arm , and short of starting an undignified fight she saw no option but to join him as he strolled towards the white-painted gate , set in the surrounding outer stone walls .
13 The client is not voluntarily engaging in these proceedings but as he strongly denies the charges he has no option but to defend himself .
14 He has no option but to change his policies . ’
15 The jury foreman confirmed that more time would make no difference , and the judge said he had no option but to dischage them .
16 In which case she was left with no option but to tell him , a trace arrogantly , it was true , ‘ I do n't wish to discuss it ! ’
17 Now with all the forwards around him he has no option but to bang it into touch .
18 There are also times when there may be no option but to admit someone to hospital for treatment when there is a serious risk that the person will harm him or herself or is becoming physically ill through inadequate nourishment and self-care .
19 Indeed whereas in Morgan v. Palmer the defendant had no statutory authority to demand a fee and the plaintiff had no option but to pay it in order to obtain the licence , in this case the corporation were fully entitled to levy a toll on the landing of limestone which they were not informed was to be burnt .
20 With the pitch resembling a motocross track , we had no option but to postpone our home games with Dorning Town and Felton .
21 But whereas , in the former , the lovers are effete , foppish and ultimately doomed , in They Wouldn't 's Gay Yardie routine , the characters Rupert and Denzel are ‘ two rough-up , ragamuffin characters ’ who exit the stage arm in arm and very much alive , leaving the audience with no option but to confront their own prejudices .
22 With regard to a description not by reference , the Keeper , in order to make ‘ public and patent to his hienes lieges ’ ( 1617 Act , c 16 ) , is entitled to be provided with a common law description which at a minimum should be the postal address of the property ( eg , ‘ subjects 3 High Street , Ayr ’ ) or , in the case of flatted property , the identification of the particular house ( eg , ‘ the north house on the first flat above the street flat 3 High Street , Ayr ’ ) — and whether or not the Keeper really likes such minimum descriptions he has no option but to accept them !
23 But when such practices occur elsewhere in the world , he feels , UK companies might have no option but to accept it and adjust .
24 For there is no doubt that our prevailing intuitions about ourselves as agents , and a number of associated philosophical arguments about the concepts of choice , action and responsibility , have tended to make the case of individualism seem not merely strong , but so compelling that we have no option but to accept it .
25 When this was the case , the owner had no option but to accept his loss or institute a court case .
26 But leaned on in this way , Lord Brabourne and the Broadlands Trust felt they had no option but to accept his advice , and permission to show the Suez film was withheld .
27 ‘ He will have no option but to meet them , man .
28 His hand curved around her face , tilting it up , and Jenna had no option but to meet his dark eyes .
29 ‘ I was left with no option but to help my wife pack seven bags , ’ he tells the Daily Dispatch .
30 And although Steve Chettle is fit again , Republic of Ireland star Keane stays at centre half for today 's trip to Chelsea with Clough insisting : ‘ I had no option but to play him there .
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