Example sentences of "[art] look at [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The North West 's month-long package of international culture and entertainment this year addresses a number of themes , including arts and disability ; a cultural twinning with Galway ; the 100th anniversary of the Gaelic League ; a look at Romanian culture , and the European Year of Older People .
2 The US factories had evolved into organisations that set out tightly circumscribed jobs , fixed procedures , absolutely nothing in terms of flexible working , multi-skilling , employee responsiveness — any of those sorts of things — and they took a look at Japanese cost patterns and thought that American industry was just going down the plug . ’
3 Stephen Lee takes a look at Alpine life over the ages
4 Part of Dr Brian Eyre , AEA Chief Executive 's visit to Culham last month incorporated a look at current work in Fusion , in particular the START experiment , and at new areas being developed for plasma processing .
5 Travel : When the young cry freedom Mary Keen takes a look at overseas adventure from the parent 's point of view
6 This month we take a look at Big Trouble In Little China and boy , is it dire !
7 How about , perhaps at this point , having a look at non-verbal behaviour , perhaps more broadly ?
8 I 've just asked him about the collaborative review the focus is apparently on national curriculum so that means maths , English and , but they want to look ge more general issues and because they 're in on a Wens Tuesday and a Wednesday he said that they would go in a look at , three of them would go in a look at taught tutorial lessons they will want to talk to me about the tutorial programme I would hope that that would involve somebody else cos I 've got the bit of the fence that I sit on and ask one or two of you to give your opinion if , if you 're available .
9 Now let us have a look at proper jargon as it applies to technical reports .
10 He believed , however , that in the short run — whatever time that might be — they had much to gain ‘ from the support and strength which they derive from the CNAA ’ — and a look at American accreditation had reinforced his view .
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