Example sentences of "[art] few days [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ON ONE of the few days with sunshine recently I was shambling through Cavendish Square in the West End of London .
2 SAVE produced a leaflet , above , within a few days as part of the campaign .
3 My boyfriend at the time , two friends and I , decided to kick around the Loch Tay area for a few days between Christmas and New Year , since the only decent hotel we could find open was the Ledcreich Hotel at Balquhidder .
4 For some other companies it is uneconomic to open for just a few days between bank holidays .
5 In a period of very bad weather , for example , especially in a rural area the post office may run out of real cash , as might other shopkeepers , after a few days without contact from the outside world .
6 Anne managed to get a few days off work during his ten-day leave , and as he had few relatives to visit , they were able to spend blissful hours alone .
7 After a few days of trial and error I devised a system of categorising my work four times during the day ; on an early shift , for example , at approximately 10.00am , 1.00pm , 3.00pm and on leaving for the day .
8 An example of a condition caused in this way is phenylketonuria — one of the so-called ‘ inborn errors of metabolism ’ — an inherited biochemical disorder for which babies are now routinely tested within a few days of birth .
9 Most fatalities from T. canis infection occur during the pulmonary phase , and pups which have been heavily infected transplacentally may die within a few days of birth .
10 Sometimes electric shock treatment his been given to quell the uproar and the ensuing calm gives the adult the opportunity to reassert itself and the tormented soul can have a few days of peace .
11 I rose this morning after a few days of calm without mystical experience and I walked through a steep valley in a golden light of dawn that was like a rich but transparent garment covering all things .
12 After a few days of sun-oil and cold showers , she even had the nerve to seek the shade and grumble a little at the sweat and the glare of it all .
13 The general pattern was similar to the Alps in an average year : a few days of afternoon cloud and snowstorms , followed by a day or two or more settled conditions .
14 While Agassi and Sampras , with supreme pre-final confidence , had flown home from Frankfurt after the ATP Finals for a few days of relaxation in Florida before returning to Europe , Noah had taken his squad off to a Swiss tennis resort , where they trained for 6 hours a day , offered themselves for 30 minutes daily to the press for customary grilling and focussed wholly on the task in hand .
15 Fish normally seek out the warmer shallows , and if there are a few days of sunshine before opening day then you will know where to choose on the bank .
16 After a few days of wing stretching and flapping outside the burrow , it makes the perilous trip to the edge of the cliff .
17 Many are already paired from previous matings ; all are usually nesting , courting , mating and laying within a few days of arrival .
18 ‘ After a few days of production I had the opportunity to approach Dustin , ’ Silvis remembered .
19 The process can be unpleasant and dangerous if unsupervised , but with medical , nursing and family help most people can ‘ detox ’ surprisingly easily within a few days at home or , if necessary , in hospital , without untoward symptoms .
20 Before that , she realised , during the three years she 'd known him , he had never moved her to any great depths of emotion — not the same soaring heights and plummeting depths she 'd known in just a few days with Fen .
21 If the baby 's fed on water or for some reason does not take food normally , you may not find the problem , but a few days after milk feed this substance will begin to rise and it can be protected so the diagnosis is made by a test , does anybody know how the Guffbry test is done ?
22 Its cochlea , that vital , snail-shaped organ in the inner ear , will have started to degenerate a few days after birth , and the deterioration is completely irreversible .
23 Uterine contractions continue for a few days after birth ( they are often particularly evident when the child begins to suck at the nipple ) .
24 Generally , women become familiar quickly with the scent of their infants , and can recognise their baby by smell alone only a few days after birth .
25 In fact , most damage to breast shape happens during their often rapid growth during pregnancy , then when filling with milk a few days after birth .
26 Our elder daughter , a budding journalist , had her birthday a few days after Easter Day , so we seemed to be stuffed with Simnel cake and birthday cake and chocolate eggs .
27 It was a not unreasonable assumption that a man who developed a discharge a few days after intercourse followed by a chancre some weeks later , without further exposure , was suffering from separate stages of the same infection .
28 The only problem occurred a few days after launch , when one of the sun sensors produced occasional false readings and shut down the satellite .
29 This is total rubbish , as if the body is to be buried or cremated within a few days after death , no such risk exists .
30 One year , a few days after Christmas , I was walking in the Slieve Muck area .
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