Example sentences of "[art] only [noun] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Well cos at er , there were n't enough tide to take it away , I mean you ta you get clay well that 's , that 's solid and the amount of stuff I was dredge they use and use it , now we 're not the only ones got it , they got people from Harwich , people from Felixstowe , they were all dumping out there .
2 We were the only ones to get it .
3 And it just happens that Digital is the only company to make it work .
4 It just happens that Digital is the only company to make it work .
5 Are you the only person to receive it , Minister , or do n't you know ? ’
6 The press release the editors sent me was acceptable , but I may have been the only person to get it .
7 J. Smart of Powys lived up to his name , and was the only entrant to get it right .
8 This chest also can not have the sides broken open , since it has a full iron inlay — the only way to force it is to crowbar the lid open .
9 The inclination is to stop brushing to reduce bleeding but the only way to cure it is to keep brushing .
10 The only way to do it was as a comic .
11 D says the only way to do it is civil disobedience ( counter-opinion ) ;
12 That was the only way to do it . "
13 the only way to do it is get that book one really sort of so he really understands it and then he 's gon na be interested in book two cos he 'll
14 the only way to do it is to split it into two continuous bits .
15 She had brought her car this time , crossed by ferry and faced the terrors of the Paris ring-road , but she needed her own things with her and this was the only way to do it .
16 But it 's erm the only way to do it is erm to bring the tape in to your erm into Nottingham station itself , you know the er radio station .
17 The other concern in the City Council 's evidence on H One er is this issue of distribution , I note Mr Davis 's comments about the difficulties of subdividing the Greater York allocation between different districts , and I I do acknowledge the difficulty in relation to Harrogate , and particularly Hambledon which obviously has a very small proportion of Greater York , on the other hand both Ryedale and Selby do contain a substantial proportion of the Greater York population , er based on my calculations of their er proportion of the population of Greater York which admittedly is a somewhat crude way of of doing estimates , but in the absence of of any other projections that was really the only way to do it , my estimate is that the er compared with the nine seven target of County Council would take in the could potentially be seen to be taking a share of four thousand two hundred in Ryedale and seventeen hundred for Selby , if you base it on their existing population distribution on er part outside the city , now I 'm not saying necessarily that 's how the way you would do it , but I I think it 's an indication that the scale of development in those two districts is quite significant in Greater York , our concern is that the policy as it currently stands does not give any real guidance as to the way in which distribution of development outside the city , but in Greater York , erm can be er should be di divided up , and I think the problem really occurs from the introduction of the new settlement into H One , erm I do n't want to stray into the H Two debate Chair , but I think it 's the fact that H One does include a figure for the new settlement , that the new settlement is not located within any particular district , but that all the district totals do include in effect a figure which is undetermined at this stage , that that would be absorbed by the new settlement , as I understand the policy at the moment , and I think that really does introduce a problem , erm because clearly all of the emerging districts wide local plans could be in conformity with the structure plan and not include the new settlement , I think it 's er interesting to note that the the D O E's recently published a good practice guide , on development plans , did particularly highlight the situation in Greater York , as a problem , as a shortcoming of the existing plan , and if I can just quote it , it does say this , on page forty three , it would seem appropriate for broad locations of new development to be established by means of an alteration to the structure plan .
18 and you carry on but sometimes sometimes it is the only way to do it stick with what you say and keep going .
19 Which is the only way to do it .
20 It 's erm really about the only way to do it on problems .
21 It 's the only way to do it in a game .
22 I suppose if I 'd been a few years older , I would have replied , ‘ Is n't that the only way to treat it ? ’
23 ‘ It is the only way to treat it .
24 That 's the only way to quell it is n't it ?
25 This may be the only way to sort it out . ’
26 ‘ He picked up the burning bomb , which promptly blazed its way through the handle , so the only way to put it out was by throwing on his great coat .
27 The only way to stop it happening , and therefore to stop the fear of it , is to develop self-esteem .
28 The feel of him against her set up so many conflicting emotions , as though there was a war raging inside her , and the only way to stop it was to give in to her needs , assuage the ache in her body .
29 The only way to stop it is by pressing or forcing a " Too big " error .
30 I think erm many men have changed their attitudes erm towards women , particularly since erm men and women were educated together in colleges in their further education , because they 've shared their life together before marrying , before having children , and I think young men have become much more erm domesticated , if you like , I think that 's the only way to say it .
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