Example sentences of "[art] mind 's [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This vision lies behind nominalism , which claims that it is the mind 's capacity for creating general words that creates the illusion of generality in the world itself .
2 Metaphor in Out is used in two distinct ways : on the one hand , the medical theory ‘ diagnosis prognosticates aetiology ’ is extended coercively to other domains of thought ; on the other hand , the mind 's capacity for variation and mutation leads the main character to produce creative metaphors which distort , subvert , and ‘ mobilize ’ the language of authority .
3 Already in Out the narrator was obsessed with the mind 's capacity for erasing one version of a story and substituting another : ‘ We can make our errors in a thought and reject them in another thought , leaving no trace of error in us ’ ( 51/53 ) .
4 Let us make schemata of coloured mandalas and hang them on the mind 's screens as objects of meditation .
5 It appears to us to be wide enough to cover the mind 's activities in all its aspects , not only the perception of physical acts and matters and the ability to form a rational judgment whether an act is right or wrong , but also the ability to exercise will-power to control physical acts in accordance with that rational judgment .
6 Whereas Aristotle did not enquire into the mental process by which we perceive time , because he believed that our minds must necessarily conform to the time of the physical universe , St Augustine took the mind 's activity as the basis of temporal measurement .
7 When we begin to understand the nature of the workings of our own minds , then we come to understand the manner of the mind 's activity in all other creatures and , indeed , throughout creation , as the primary pattern-maker , the source of all the blueprints , the weaver of the web of energy relationships , the essential formative principle running across the pure face of consciousness .
8 It can be the mind 's abstraction for an edge , a crack , a fissure or a chain of dimensionless points , linking their extremities .
9 Irrelevant associations dredged out of the mind 's mire of trace memories , subconscious detritus and stamped-on feelings .
10 This does not invalidate them or render them somehow doubtful — for they are indispensable — but it locates them and their validity firmly within the context of the mind 's encounter with experience rather than elsewhere .
11 It is not pleasant to be shot at , and even the pleasure of being missed is spoilt by the mind 's habit of constructing alternative scenarios ; if the machine-gunner had been a bit quicker to react , or had led us with more skill , we would now be nothing but a heap of molten metal somewhere in the sea-grape .
12 It is an easy trick to target controversial buildings and , in the mind 's eye at least , to pull them down .
13 It 's not that Shatov is somehow proved right and Mrs Virginsky wrong about new life and ( by implication ) God , but that the most natural hope begins to stir in the merely legal father 's heart ; so it would be pompous and artificial to go on talking about futurity , this is the future in the mind 's eye of one rejoicing man : shared , beautiful , fragile ; and the whole novel seems braced to tear itself free of the devils possessing it :
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