Example sentences of "[art] girl [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 When the lights came up the girl looked at the audience , her mouth slowly opened and on her face was an expression of incredulity .
2 Beside him , the girl walked at the same pace , just out of step with him .
3 The girl lingered at a secondhand clothes shop and was looking at grubby petticoats displayed on iron rods by the doorway , when a young man dressed in a shabby tail coat and check trousers came along and paused beside her .
4 The girl started at the Royal High as an 11-year-old in 1986 .
5 ‘ The answer to both your questions is yes , ’ she told the girl sitting at a long table on the far side of the room .
6 ‘ All right , Rachel , ’ said the girl sitting at the dressing-table , powdering her creamy white shoulders and throat .
7 When the girls waited at the Gare de L'Est , they found a garden surrounding a church , and Peta wrote as Isobel painted .
8 It was usual for the Girls to stay at the English Girls ' Club when they first arrived .
9 The girls arrived at the Gare du Nord , as we will do , and then , as we will in a few days ' time , they made for the Gare de L'Est and the journey into central Europe .
10 There we were , stark naked , and there was every girl working at the place , gathering around like pigeons at St Martin-in-the-Fields . ’
11 Stretched out on a bed was Chuck Riley , with a girl dabbing at a nasty bruise on his forehead .
12 At this there was a loud outburst of laughter , and everyone looked at a girl sitting at the back , who , scarlet in the face , ran out of the room , sobbing .
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