Example sentences of "[art] hour [coord] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He looked round , and realized she had cleaned the whole office in the hour and a half since he had seen her .
2 I 'd leave the shop at 6 p.m. , drive off to a gig , ( reeking of chips despite bathing nightly in Domestos ) and return in time for the hour and a half of cleaning which began as soon as the last customer left at midnight .
3 He had invited her to join the ladies ' sewing circle , and even suggested that she might like to attend the Tuesday evening Bible readings which he ran — he was sure that ‘ dear Miss Mates ’ would release her for the hour and a half the readings usually took .
4 In addition , there was a further surcharge of 2.5 p/kWh during the hour and a half of heaviest demand during the day , at whatever time that occurred .
5 The man , the hour and the issue were met .
6 His brass-faced clocks had only one hand and a calendar because , in the years before bus and train timetables and television programme times , all the Dalesmen needed to know was the hour and the day .
7 In recent days , he wrote , perhaps because Spring is upon us , I have been putting in the hours but the intensity has gone .
8 And something 's changed in the intervening time , I mean I know there 's aggravation and times are hard , I know we 've cut back on the hours and the rest , but there 's a lot of things that are n't good .
9 Plus , of course , he admitted to himself wryly , the fact that the hours and the work do n't make me the ideal boy-friend , let alone husband .
10 The medieval church , to which Will Marks carries the corpse of a hanged man for burial ( MHC 3 ) , featured a clock with moving figures of giants that struck the hours and the quarters , BR 40 ; DC 23 .
11 There is then an alternation between slow wave sleep and REM sleep , with REM sleep recurring about every hour and a half .
12 Above that were two windows which opened every hour and a procession of Apostles appeared in each window .
13 As a result just one Bq of Caesium-137 , contained in one litre of milk , will undergo a tiny explosion every second ; 60 explosions every minute , 3,600 explosions every hour or a total of three to seven million tiny atomic explosions in its stay in our bodies — any one of which can cause cell mutations which eventually lead to cancer or genetic damage .
14 Does he realise that it is not just an hour but a year and a half late ?
15 I must have been with the vet for an hour but the driver was still waiting to take me home .
16 It is here in the tiny , pumping heart of Europe 's ready-to-wear industry that hundreds of sans-papiers , immigrants without work permits , come to be taken on for errands that could last half an hour or a day .
17 It could last for an hour or a day or days , rising and falling .
18 The hurricane , the flood or the tsunami may do more in an hour or a day than the ordinary processes of nature have achieved in a thousand years .
19 sort of read through a bit about it and then when you 've read it , put the book away and leave it for half an hour or an hour or something and then try and draw a rough outline of some of the main points .
20 If you just have that one lesson , and he explains it to your properly , and he sets you some exercises , on what you 've just done , half an hour or an hour ago , you 'll get through them .
21 It 's so difficult to add up the the hours , but I mean it 's a number of days of course it 's not working solidly you know , maybe only for an up an hour or an hour .
22 Half an hour or an hour .
23 In about half an hour or an hour .
24 He had earned US$13 an hour plus ample benefits under USX but under the sub-contractor he gets just US$5 an hour and no benefits .
25 We have listened to the Secretary of State speak for an hour and a minute , and during those 61 minutes never once did he utter a word about the central feature of the Bill — the doctrinaire destruction of Her Majesty 's inspectorate of schools and the privatisation of the national and local schools inspectorates .
26 An hour and a bit later the hearse stopped in a town called Cromcruach .
27 Most classes last for an hour or perhaps an hour and a half .
28 He was killed about an hour and a half ago during a German counter attack on our positions .
29 The sortie has taken something over four hours to complete , for a little over an hour and a half in the air .
30 An hour and a half later , Jakki had a great interview in the can .
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