Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] york [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Grea it was the Greater York authorities ma'am who who as I understand determined not to proceed with a location within the third alteration , and that was endorsed by the County Council when they first considered the draft plan .
2 And their very clear view based on their long and practical experience of the Greater York development market , is that a location South South West of York is more likely to be a successful location particularly for the employment component of the new settlement , than any other sector of York .
3 So whilst I 'm not seeking to change the the the Greater York I E within the greenbelt requirement as we now define it , the the supply side of the equation is bound to change because the commitments figures will be different given the revised area of analysis .
4 The outer boundary of the greenbelt is based on physical features , they 're not necessarily follow exactly the same features all the way round the Greater York Greater York area .
5 I do n't intend to discuss the housing , whether seven hundred acres , sorry seven l land for seven hundred houses is owned by the City of York , that 's not part of our case one way or the other , but we have offered you a distribution of the Greater York provision figure between the districts , because from Barton Willmore 's very extensive experience of participation in local plan work up and down the country , I think we share the view that er City of York have , that Ryedale have , my colleagues to the left and right on this side of the table have , that there does need to be a distribution , otherwise there will be at best confusion as to whether local plans comply with the structure plan , and at worst a game of of pass the parcel and everybody will be conforming , but nobody will actually be possibly meeting the figures , and that is the situation that I do n't think anybody would wish to see as a result of er the outcome of of alteration number three , I mean I do n't know how the County Council would would really be able to say whether they thought a local plan conformed to the structure plan , without knowing what that distribution was , perhaps in some bottom draw manner which is not now the approved way of going about these things , so that I think there does need to be a distribution for the proper planning of York , and before coming on to our to explain our figures a little bit , I should also say , perhaps in in response to remarks Mr Thomas made earlier on about the general character of the York area and the need to protect that , that that course is precisely what the greenbelt is for , and what it does , it is n't necessary to extend that concept across the whole of the vale of York , and therefore to seek to er discount migration outside the greenbelt .
6 All figures that we 've produced and are producing in respect of commitments and the policy element the Greater York policy element of policy H one , relate to within the area defined as Greater York through the Greater York .
7 Obviously erm in in receiving those additional figures I accept what the in senior inspector says about not er opening up the need side of the debate but clearly is I think the er Mr from Harrogate is saying it does it does cast a question mark on the supply dimension of the debate in terms of additional and commitments coming into the the figures to meet the Greater York housing requirement .
8 When you put all these factors together it concerns me that nobody has been advancing the case that as with other districts , some other districts in York , it would be appropriate , even more appropriate in my view , that the migration assumption should be discounted , there are in my view special reasons why this should be the case , special reasons over and above tho those that have been applied , to the other districts , this in my view would be that the Greater York housing provision for all those reasons I 've just highlighted , should be reduced , should be reduced to the seventy five percent level , in other words that would be reducing it by between a thousand and twelve hundred and fifty houses , now I wo n't get on to the reason that the fact that that 's one reason why there 's no need for a new settlement , erm but it is a reason in its own right just to protect the character and the capacity requirements and the environmental sensitivities of the Greater York area .
9 Erm Ryedale District , as can be seen from the table supplied by Greater York , has taken the largest proportion of the Greater York housing element over the past ten years , as regards the proposed level of future housing growth suggested for the Greater York area , the District Council supports the figure in the structure plan , the Greater York study identified a number of sites around the Greater York area which could accommodate further development without compromising greenbelt objectives or adversely affecting the character of the settlements surrounding York , and within that part of Southern Ryedale within the Greater York area the identified sites were , by and large , incorporated into the Southern Ryedale local plan , which has recently been through the public enquiry , the District Council does not believe that a larger amount of land could be identified within Southern Ryedale , without compromising greenbelt objectives .
10 adopted the Greater York study findings .
11 Now the County Councils and the City Council 's assessment of the capacity of the Greater York study sites are roughly the same , you can see , sir , that as things have moved forward in only a six month period , the City Council calculate there 's a residual requirement of nine hundred and forty seven dwellings , only twenty five percent of the migration assumption , none hundred and forty seven dwellings left , compared to the County Council 's outdated information which suggested it 's one thousand three hundred and thirty five .
12 How does ten miles relate to the definition of the Greater York study area ?
13 as a general erm guideline chairman , the Greater York study area has a some degree of consistency with the outer boundary erm of the York greenbelt which is generally around about six miles erm from the Greater York er er from from the City Centre .
14 And in fact , quite fortuitously we did bring along a plan today which has a six mile radius , erm from the Centre of York which was er the subject of some discussion at the greenbelt local plan enquiry and by and large , erm there is some consistency between the outer boundary or the greenbelt erm and the Greater York study area , both at around about six miles from the city centre .
15 Then the surely the Greater York study area 's more than six miles otherwise all development 's in the Greater York area 's within the greenbelt .
16 As distinct from what is the Greater York study area ?
17 Well erm the Greater York study area has been defined and it is that area erm on the front of the erm of the Greater York er study document .
18 Following that er the Greater York study area er was defined by the County Council erm in consultation with the Greater York authorities and er as has been explained to you , it is substantially following the boundary of the greenbelt as defined .
19 I I have a always understood the distinction between the Greater York study area which is an area of calculation of among other things , housing needs and the Greater York area which was an area in which those needs may be met .
20 Er because the commitments figures we looked at and the need figures are are they the Greater York area or the Greater York study area ?
21 The figures that erm the nine thousand seven hundred dwellings , related to the housing need generated within the Greater York study area together with appropriate allowance for migration , and that totals nine thousand seven hundred dwellings .
22 Erm the housing need figure we 've been working on for Greater York has been nine thousand seven hundred and that 's been based on the parishes within the Greater York study area .
23 acceptable erm recognition of the reality of the the boundary of the green belt in the Greater York study area .
24 Erm to take the Greater York Area out to ten miles would not equate with the the calculations and the level of provision which erm have been worked out and which relate to the Greater York study area as defined erm in in in this document .
25 It 's erm coming back to a point which Mr Curtis made about the amount of land identified in the Greater York study area , which is allocated but does n't have a planning permission .
26 Erm and it 's something I had n't quite considered before , that the greenbelt boundary and the Greater York area boundary is roughly .
27 In fact it looks if if anything , the greenbelt boundary is slightly wider than the Greater York area boundary .
28 Now , could argue that Greater York could be bigger or smaller , the local government commission , erm er there report is a very interesting read , I mean a number of the options that they 've looked at would be a gra er a city of York going out to the ring road , erm that might be one option , there 's a there there idea of of Greater York , they did harden , they did see some merit in in a Greater York unitary authority based on the Greater York planning study I think , erm whether that is going to come to pass only Mr Gummer presumably er knows , so my idea of Greater York is that it 's an area which is tied socially and economically to the city , you could argue as mobility increases , as the A ni nineteen is improved up through the County that really Northallerton now is perhaps more within the sphere of influence of York than it was ten years ago , erm e it was probably to a degree influenced by York even twenty years ago , erm I do n't think er there is much to be gained by debating where Greater York ought to be , the Secretary of State previously has n't been bothered about er amending it er it seems to us to be the reasonable area , and it 's a combination of five districts , erm erm erm who who who hopefully should be working together towards sorting out the er other problems of Greater York .
29 Therefore we believe that during the plan period , those sites are likely to come forward and make a improved contribution to meeting our share of the Greater York employment needs .
30 By the time he had got to suggesting that 126 card-carrying Communists were on the staff of the New York Times Sunday supplement , Matusow 's credibility was fraying , and , in 1956 , after a series of volte-faces he found himself on the wrong end of a five-year sentence for perjury .
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