Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] he 's [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now say for instance that because of the minimum solvency er agreement the employers have got to pay whatever their loss is , and if and I asked this question of the T U C that if there was a situation of where the employees were in the majority and forget the pension regulator , because there was a regulator anyway , so you can add whatever name that y you liked to have , but the fraud still went on , but say the employees were in the majority as far as the trustees is concerned and they were in full control and the control was taken away from the employers and there was a a federation of the hundred and twenty eight thousand with a central fund paying off heavy loss of any minimum solvencies , then surely that would be the ideal situation in order to safeguard , because when I asked Goodey himself when he submitted his report , he said they could not give any categ categorical assurance that nobody could defraud in any scheme under the proposals he 's made .
2 Renault 's out that 's on there the cars he 's got that
3 Erm I mean he he he 's bought , I mean the presents he 's bought to be honest I mean I think oh my god what a waste .
4 Just want to see whether Professor Lock was wanted any more er clarification on the responses he 's had .
5 Well he has to put the suit on , try it on in the shop , to make sure it , wear his shoes there cos even , the shoes he 's got might be alright with it .
6 A shirt right , okay , but really good words now from some of the things he 's told us like going
7 Mind you all the questions he 's asked me yesterday I answered .
8 He he does n't believe the reassurances he 's heard so far .
9 V. GENT enlightens us on a few of the problems he 's had to deal with over the counter .
10 The lessons he 's learnt he did so the hard way .
11 Oh they 're different to the ones he 's got , he 's got those ones , I 'll get him those ones that 's nice
12 There 's a sort of nasty perverted curiosity in me — I mean , all the women he 's had and all the things he must know about being in bed .
13 I only look towards someone like Dylan because I see the things that have happened in his career and the conclusions he 's come to and the way he 's responded to outside forces , the audience , the press … and I recognize a similarity to how I feel in my career .
14 This morning John Smith says he is saddened by John 's remarks , he thinks it will give some material to John Major , I 've got news for him , many times I 've been saddened when he 's said nowt to John Major when all the clangers he 's dropped .
15 He 's got the sandwiches he 's got the Thermos flask
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