Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] likely [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It is not that they are less likely to be murdered , raped , robbed , or assaulted — although the best scientific evidence based on victimization surveys shows this to be true ( Hindelang , Gottfredson , and Garofalo 1978 ) — but that in the criminal law , definitions of murder , rape , robbery , assault , theft , and other serious crimes are so constructed as to exclude many similar , and in important respects , identical acts , and these are just the acts likely to be committed more frequently by powerful individuals .
2 Whatever the future pattern of health care in London , it must make adequate provision for the demands likely to be made in the immediate future .
3 Although our understanding is far from complete , there are many valuable pointers to the elements likely to be necessary in effective prevention .
4 It is important for the patient to be aware of the limitations likely to be caused by his spasticity .
5 It is not surprising , then , that this particular set of objections to the implementation of the Delors Plan has received little attention even in the countries likely to be most affected .
6 Because of the variable nature of the factors contributing to manoeuvre-induced instrument errors , it is not possible to give positive guidance as to the magnitude — or even sense — of the errors likely to be encountered during a given manoeuvre .
7 In particular , he was warned of the errors likely to be associated with naive projections of past accounting profit calculations , whether based upon historic or upon current costs .
8 The actual conditions between which packs are cycled will depend on the conditions likely to be encountered in the market .
9 It is also sensible to anticipate all the questions likely to be asked , particularly the potentially embarrassing ones .
10 However , I am always on the look out for knowledgeable contributors who can write informatively and pose the questions likely to be of interest to our readers .
11 In view of the problems involved with breaking up large firms and the difficulties likely to be encountered in trying to control their behaviour , competition policy in the UK has tended to concentrate more on the preservation of a competitive market structure .
12 This hypothetical situation illustrates some of the difficulties likely to be experienced when considering the North-South divide and shows why so many conflicting claims have been made about this question .
13 If easements are required , the identity of the adjoining owner and the difficulties likely to be encountered should be verified .
14 ‘ The DTI does not under-estimate the problems likely to be encountered in respect of some of these blocks and so it has not offered any acreage which it believes would be impossible or completely impractical to explore .
15 These issues related to mathematics in context , criterion-referenced tests , levels of difficulty in a graduated test scheme , and the resources likely to be needed to implement a scheme .
16 This may again be necessary for work with learning resources , but librarians and experienced teachers will in any case want to stress the absolute necessity of previous detailed checking to see that the resources likely to be helpful and required are actually available .
17 It will be vital to ensure that the right types of sites are available for the firms likely to be attracted , and to have the necessary back-up infrastructure in place .
18 As applied to the crystallization of ice this mechanism is largely conjectural at present since little experimental work has been undertaken to estimate the pressures likely to be generated .
19 Although psychiatric inpatient care , either in a psychiatric hospital or in a psychiatric unit in the general hospital , is only necessary for a small proportion of attempted suicide patients ( see Table 10 ) , this group is particularly important because it includes the patients likely to be at greatest risk of subsequent suicide and some who pose particularly difficult management problems .
20 After an introduction by the presenter , who usually speculates on the issues likely to be raised with the Prime Minister that day ( a tiresome waste of time , especially as he is frequently wrong ) , the programme goes live , with only minimum commentary , till about 3.48 pm when the presenter returns to summarize the exchanges ( another waste of time ) .
21 But to talk about the way forward to do with A L O's so can we all address our minds to the problems that we perceive ma make some notes so that we can draw up a proper agenda of all the issues likely to be encountered through the civilianisation programme okay ?
22 Ideally , the authors might before beginning the study have gained informed consent from the personnel departments of all the hospitals likely to be approached .
23 The lesser rorqual ( or minke , as it is called in Norway ) is the largest of the cetaceans likely to be met with in inshore water around Shetland .
24 One of the modules likely to be of most interest to teacher researchers is Professional Development in Action .
25 Are the police likely to be involved in that ?
26 The result was a small foot in the proportions likely to be found at Hadar .
27 The breeds likely to be most closely related to the White Park are probably the Kerry of Ireland and the old Scottish breeds , the Highland and Galloway .
28 The ‘ normal minimum admission standards ’ listed in these tables are for many areas of study a realistic indication of the grades likely to be required and applicants who hold these grades stand an excellent chance of being made an offer , eg for most degrees in the Faculty of Arts , the Faculty of Science and Engineering , and the less pressured areas in the Social Sciences such as Nursing Studies or Social Policy .
29 Before work on the units could be started , it was necessary to review the existing advanced accounting provision and to examine the requirements of the jobs likely to be filled by HNC and HND holders .
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