Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [vb pp] around [art] " in BNC.

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1 The flames licked around the wood , around the corpse .
2 ( ii ) The trees , at Withington , also show more branches ( each of which has a large calyx at the tip ) , " and the animals run around the inner roundel in an almost frenzied motion .
3 After two days of almost non-stop rain , the first day was washed out completely , since the lakes dotted around the ground were not thought to be conducive to good cricket .
4 There are other ways of expressing pain and feeling , but the tentative , half-hearted approach which characterised the whole production was perfectly illustrated when , after the catastrophe , the books arranged around the playing area were scattered and the tall bookcases overturned .
5 By the time the crowd was invited to sample the barbecues scattered around the periphery of the park , and made available by the generosity of a local philanthropist and patriot , Plan Crockett , the second campaign to destabilize John Cormack to the point of resignation , was on the road .
6 The sounds echoed around the station but the other life-forms could be anywhere in the myriad corridors .
7 She waved a hand to indicate the dresses scattered around the room ; some of taffeta , others of damask or cloth of gold .
8 This was often reflected in the pattern of settlement , with most villages consisting of the dwellings of agricultural workers and with the farmers scattered around the parish on their own farms but away from the centre of the village itself .
9 Er I note the comments made around the table about the the likelihood of rail based er traffic making a significant contribution .
10 However , their devotions were often disturbed by the sounds of revelry and dancing as the villagers gathered around the nearby maypole .
11 The themes centred around the lone legionnaire who has given up his past for the Legion , yet still longs for his former life and forgotten loves , his home and his happiness .
12 Last year an estimated 800 people from the slums built around the factories were burned to death when a pipe passing under their homes started spewing gasoline .
13 Suffolk Wildlife Trust director Derek Moore said there had been reports of rabbits and other creatures being shot at by four-wheel drive enthusiasts as the vehicles moved around the ness .
14 The crux of the rows centred around a belief that Sydney Newman , promoted from ITV into a very senior position and given virtual carte blanche to reshape the BBC 's drama output , was carrying out his task by bringing in other friends and associates from ITV in place of BBC staff who felt they could equally rise to the challenges .
15 The rectangles drawn around the row numbers indicate the rows on which you knit with the background colour .
16 Further proof of Gaddafi 's guilt , in the paper 's view , was the mysterious Libyan who had bought the clothes wrapped around the bomb from a boutique in Malta less than a month before the tragedy .
17 The others wandered around the cab like tourists in a cathedral , gawping .
18 The nuns fussed around the Clintons like a group of mother hens .
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