Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] above " in BNC.

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1 In this instance on the ground storey is the Doric Order and above this , in order of ascent , Ionic , Corinthian and Corinthian .
2 Of course this film was a condemnation of sweat-shop conditions , and of course it was a melodrama in which poor girls have affairs with the boss 's sons and in which the heroine brandishes a gun in order to make one son do the honourable thing but above all it was a vehicle for a star who had already become one of Hollywood 's hottest properties .
3 The rime of silver stubble round the heavy chin and above the mouth suggested the beard was still growing .
4 But contractors found the dust behind the Speaker 's Chair in the ministerial corridor and above the parliamentary library .
5 Even more relevant to the point I am making is the sudden realisation that this , as the name implies , is really a United Kingdom : a composite and diverse , not a monolithic structure And above all the discovery that there are parts of the UK which share with them a history of colonial or quasi-colonial exploitation , and where people speak of development problems in a language they understand .
6 The socialization of child-care and domestic work is no easy matter and above all , it costs money — nurseries , school meals , etc .
7 Carrie felt cold , though it was a warm day and above their heads , above the dark yews , the sun was still shining .
8 Lenders face a different type of control from those which rule producers and retailers generally : rules such as licensing ( which implies a more-than-usual need to separate sheep from goats ) ; specially detailed legislative attention to advertising and contracts ; at least a legal presumption that above a certain level ‘ prices ’ of borrowed money are unlawful .
9 Each phospholipid series is characterised by a phase transition , below which its fatty acyl chains are in a quasi-crystalline array and above which the chains are in a more fluid state .
10 The bank and program number are displayed in a two-digit LED and above this is the A4 's on-board tuner .
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