Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] for health " in BNC.

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1 The panel 's recommendations have been accepted by the NIH 's director , Dr James B. Wyngaarden and forwarded to the assistant secretary for health , Dr Edward N. Brandt , Jr , who said that he will implement them immediately .
2 When it comes to achieving the right weight for health , and maintaining it , some of us are going to have a far harder task than others .
3 One of th one of Labour 's own party , the supporters , has called the Labour policies for health care , if they exist , a process of fossilisation .
4 But as Dr Johannes Hallauer , Head of Communicable Diseases and Hygiene Section at the German Ministry for Health and a VHPB special adviser , pointed out , the degree of risk can not be calculated by looking solely at a person 's job title .
5 The French Minister for Health and Humanitarian Action , Bernard Kouchner , visited Mogadishu on Aug. 4-5 .
6 The Government did manage to bring down the rate of income tax , but at the same time we increased the annual budget for health between 1983 and 1987 from £15.5 billion to £20.7 billion and for social security from £36.7 billion to £48.7 billion .
7 Yet last July the Department of Health was aware of only 29 such closures , and last month the parliamentary secretary for health , Tim Yeo , could not say how many were planning to close because no data are held centrally .
8 The χ 2 — and Sχ 2 — for a given age and sex were obtained from the data of the National Center for Health Statistics .
9 These children were severely malnourished ( mean weight for height 66% of the National Centre for Health Statistics median value ) .
10 The recent Scottish Office document on Scotland 's health ( Scotland 's Health : A Challenge to us all , 1992 ) the re-organisation in 1991 of the national agency for health education in Scotland , and an upsurge of media coverage have all helped towards an increased interest in many aspects of health .
11 The National Advisory Council on Nutritional Education has targeted 30% as the optimum level for health , while several doctors would advise an even lower rate .
12 The holistic strategy for health forged by the social hygiene campaigns fixed on particular sites of intervention .
13 The exercise was regarded by the then minister for health in Scotland , Michael Forsyth , as a piece of ‘ action ’ research , the results of which would be made known at intervals during the evaluation .
14 As new treatments and technologies proliferate and new needs are identified these demands escalate , but even as early as 1954 , the then Minister for Health , Enoch Powell , discovered that it became a " positive ethical duty for ( providers ) to beseige and bombard the government and force or shame them into providing more money … and then more again " ( Powell 1966 ) .
15 Green consumers have already forced the shift from leaded to unleaded petrol , the replacement of ‘ hard ’ detergents with ‘ soft ’ , more biodegradable products and the growing demand for health foods and organically grown produce .
16 Having eaten and digested its food deriving the necessary nutrients for health , growth and repair , fish , in common with all animals , excrete or eliminate the waste and other byproducts that are of no further use to the body .
17 The new Minister for Health , Dr Noel Browne , a dedicated reformer of the health services and much concerned in particular with the eradication of tuberculosis in Ireland , modified the earlier bill to exclude the compulsion elements .
18 Indeed yes , I mean er there , there will be all kinds of considerations , one of which of course is the financial viability of this hospital in the future , er and as I said earlier , the contracting process for health care er is an unknown quantity .
19 That knowledge enables you to plan your diet so that the balance of complex carbohydrates , fibre , unsaturated fats , animal and vegetable protein is kept at the maximum level for health and energy , as well as good looks .
20 Difficulties in the use of the ALARA principle ( as low as reasonably achievable ) and of risk cost-benefit analysis for decision-making are discussed , including the problem of setting a monetary value for health detriment and for loss of human life .
21 Improving the vitamin A intake of young children in populations where xerophthalmia exists , even at relatively low prevalence , should be a high priority for health and agricultural services in Africa and elsewhere .
22 As there is no direct charge for health care , is demand really ‘ infinite ’ ?
23 Although primarily a protein food , cheese has a high fat content and care should be taken when eating if you are following a strict diet for health or cosmetic reasons .
24 The first is fraternal , popular entertainment , and a financial godsend for health care and education .
25 If you have to have a special diet for health reasons , and find you can not afford the price , make sure you are claiming the supplementary benefits to which you are entitled .
26 From a health policy perspective the scenario depicted is that the increasing numbers of older people described earlier will lead to the population of the western industrial nations being infirm , demented and disease ridden with an insatiable demand for health and social care .
27 MOST IMPORTANT : whether you are choosing an essential oil for health or pleasure , check that the essence is safe to use ; for example , if you are pregnant , avoid basil or myrrh ( see page 126 ) .
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