Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] on [art] streets " in BNC.

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1 The nearby River Great Ouse was higher than the level on the streets .
2 If we allow this thing to become about stopping the violence on the streets , once the violence stops we 'll think we 've solved something , when in reality we 've solved nothing .
3 The need to secure obedience to the laws passed by Parliament is said to limit what Parliament can do in a situation in which there are those who are prepared to openly defy the law on the streets , with strikes , and with the gun .
4 Mr Bush described Mr Giuliani as ‘ America 's greatest crime fighter ’ , and the evidence of the anarchy on the streets was on the television news for all to see .
5 Wiped out by a five-hour flight to a city where riding the subway is an act of hedonism , and where the pollution on the streets works on the brain like speed , driving people scrambling to the summits of New York City 's towers of granite and power .
6 Sadly she had the baby on the streets whilst only eight months pregnant .
7 Since such a system seemed well founded in Britain it chose to ignore British fascism , unlike the Communist Party , which was prepared to fight the BUF on the streets at Olympia and Cable Street .
8 But these things stand out because they go against the trend on the streets — and in parliament .
9 Mr Condon , 45 , currently Chief Constable of Kent who takes over as the Met 's youngest-ever Commissioner in February , added that bombs still went off in Northern Ireland despite having the army on the streets .
10 Further , Curtis had informed Grant that the word on the streets was that the recent outbreak of violence and killing had been all about a territorial dispute between rival Triad and Mafia gangs .
11 The word on the streets of Galway last week was that hardware manufacturing with its 800 jobs had gone by the wayside .
12 Life has become increasingly dangerous for the officer on the streets these days .
13 In virtually every locality in the occupied territories , popular neighbourhood committees established themselves , assuming responsibility for public hygiene , health , education ( after schools were closed ) , maintaining a watch on the streets for the approach of Israeli troops or settlers , organizing household production , distributing agricultural produce to the needy and reclaiming land .
14 After all , just ten years ago in Lima , Peru , police were engaged in violent battles with poor hawkers trying to scrape a living on the streets .
15 Outside Rosen 's office the rain had expired leaving a sheen on the streets .
16 But a battle of the bands is preferable any day to the Battle of the Boyne or what has increasingly become a battle on the streets .
17 And once again , there was a welcome on the streets as the cars made for Freemantle .
18 Even the Emperor himself was struck by this outcry , for in the last remaining days of peace his every appearance on the streets , driving from the Tuileries to Saint Cloud , provoked cries of ‘ A bas la Prusse ! ’ ,
19 There 's a barrowload on the streets right now .
20 The Guatemalan army was launching a scorched earth policy , which laid waste to hundreds of Indian villages ; in El Salvador , the death squads were dumping a thousand bodies a month on the streets ; in Nicaragua , the Contra war was just beginning to put the Sandinista revolution into reverse .
21 The town is clean , with no rubbish on the streets .
22 For some it would mean a life on the streets , death , prison , a mess up .
23 It is not that they showed no mercy on the streets of Jericho .
24 In his second dream he found an axe on the streets of his city .
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