Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] on [art] wall " in BNC.

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31 Can you put the stuff on the walls ?
32 The room reflected an aggressive nature — the photographs of burly boxers with fists held high in victory , the guns in the cabinet on the wall , the small black-and-white television blaring out the commentary of a boxing match , the picture of a large dog in the corner .
33 Her eye fell on the cabinet on the wall containing the guns : a memento of his strange and unexplained past .
34 Make sure that there is a map of the area on the wall showing local bus routes to assist those parents who live outside the immediate school area .
35 Mr Bumble pointed at the notice on the wall above him , which offered five pounds to anybody who would take Oliver Twist for work .
36 He moved again , and gladly she leaned over and pressed the bell on the wall beside the cot and got up to get the breast tray .
37 The young man seemed mesmerised by the gentle gaze of the beast on the wall .
38 yeah people have seen them at the discos and , will do , and er even , even those that gives patterns or designs people are buying , have in the house now instead of watching television , sit and watch the pattern on the wall er , but erm
39 TYPOGRAPHY / The writing on the wall : Tanya Harrod looks at the importance of lettering , in the light of a new exhibition at Portsmouth
40 The writing on the wall for Mr Husak became apparent in the adulation which ordinary Czechoslovak citizens showed for Mr Gorbachev , and in the pages of the Soviet Communist Party newspaper , Pravda , where a series of articles harshly critical of Mr Husak 's patron , Leonid Brezhnev , began to appear .
41 He had seen the writing on the wall : after the oil crisis of 1973 there was n't going to be enough money to keep all the universities enthusiastically created or expanded in the booming sixties in the style to which they had become accustomed .
42 Like the writing on the wall , the hand having writ moves on …
43 One of the great mysteries of the Bible , it has always seemed to me , was how Daniel managed to interpret the writing on the wall at Belshazzar 's impious feast .
44 Did I but know it , it was the writing on the wall .
45 With many connections in high places , Nader had seen the writing on the wall .
46 The writing on the wall
47 The writing on the wall
48 By that time , the writing on the wall for the G-77 was clear for all to see .
49 There are enough scientists , politicians and diplomats who have seen the writing on the wall .
50 Even Tillett , regarded by many as the British equivalent of Larkin in language and syndicalist beliefs and whose attacks upon more conventional trade union officials twenty years earlier had not been unlike Larkin 's , saw the writing on the wall .
51 Martin was a specialist in vast canvases showing the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah , Belshazzar 's Feast with the Writing on the Wall , and such apocalyptic scenes ; and his frontispiece is suitably dramatic , though small .
52 The writing on the wall .
53 ‘ My brief but meteoric rise , ’ sighs Lil , ‘ was part of the writing on the wall . ’
54 It sees the writing on the wall for its advertising .
55 With new firms in the North of England under cutting their city rivals , is the writing on the wall for one of London 's most traditional professions .
56 I imagine he just saw the writing on the wall and did n't like their spelling . ’
57 But your Company could see the writing on the wall , even my Service did n't like the way things were going .
58 AGATHA SCHWAGER talks to curator Debbie O'Rourke about a Canadian exhibition that put the writing on the wall .
59 Er right welcome back B B C Radio York Whaley 's on until er two this afternoon and before we do anything else er a little bit I saw in the paper , Unions about turn , that 's the shop workers ' union known as USDOR erm have done an about turn and they now say because they saw the writing on the wall , that they think Sunday trading is okay , well more or less .
60 The writing on the wall for the Yuppies , eh ? ’ he asked her .
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