Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] be clearly a " in BNC.

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1 The decision was clearly a surprise to him , for in the current issue of the LTA 's own magazine , photographs of both Jeremy and Jo are , as British team members , featured in a large article on the Olympic Games , which now becomes meaningless .
2 The decision was clearly a response to events at the Sept. 7-18 congress of the Congolese Trade Union Confederation , a specialized organ of the PCT , when delegates challenged the government to speed up the democratization process ( already agreed in principle by the PCT in July — see p. 37602 ) .
3 They say the story is clearly a fantasy , like Alice in Wonderland with a vast historic precedent amongst children 's fairy tales and at the end , the little girl clearly returns to reality .
4 May I on behalf of my right hon. and hon. Friends point out that the disgraceful barracking and shouting which came from the mob opposite during the reply was clearly an exercise orchestrated by the Labour Whips ?
5 ( The Sinfonia Concertante in E flat for oboe , clarinet , bassoon and horn which is played today under Mozart 's name appeared only in the 19th century : some of the music may be Mozart 's , but the work is clearly a later compilation . )
6 The girl was clearly a natural flyer .
7 The test is clearly an objective one , in the sense that it is for the magistrates to say after the event whether or not what the defendant did was reasonable .
8 The EEIBA is clearly a good cause , well worthy of the support of everyone in Scottish Nuclear .
9 As a public relations exercise the festival is clearly a success and is now an official part of the civic calendar .
10 Few cases are litigated in the US unless the plaintiff is clearly a person with disabilities .
11 He urged his audience to attend to this neglect , for the topic was clearly a pressing social problem .
12 Mogg had hailed her victory : ‘ Although Mrs Thatcher 's majority was not quite large enough to avoid a second ballot , the victory was clearly a decisive one . ’
13 Held , dismissing the action , that a release by accord and satisfaction of one covenantor operated as a release of all other covenantors undertaking the same obligation ; that the landlord 's acceptance of the immediate surrender of the lease and the goods listed in satisfaction for releasing M. from all his liabilities under the lease was clearly a release by accord and satisfaction ; that there were no words of reservation or circumstances rebutting that construction ; and that the landlord had therefore released not merely M. but also the defendant company , as an intermediate assignee who had undertaken the same obligation ( post , pp. 483B–H , 484C ) .
14 Our case is that , while the nature of the social relations at the workplace is clearly an important differentiating characteristic of the Dukeries field , they are probably a necessary but insufficient factor to account for the response of miners there to the 1926 and 1984 calls to strike .
15 The man is clearly a tree .
16 The man was clearly a sadist .
17 The lesion is clearly a squamous papilloma of the palate .
18 The situation is clearly a complex one , with instinctual drives of a diffuse , unfocused nature being directed and controlled by higher mental functions of the ego-organization .
19 The scheme was clearly a long-term one and , to deal with the urgent problem ( ‘ urgent' in political if not in any other terms ) , a ‘ development gains tax ’ and a ‘ first letting tax ’ were introduced .
20 If the date of felling of the tree can be determined and shown to postdate the death of the artist , the painting is clearly a fake .
21 The formula was clearly a successful one as proved by the high survival rate and healthy condition of all four penguin species .
22 The spot was clearly a favourite one with the crew and there had been several men dozing there when Owen and Mahmoud had appeared .
23 The acquisition of a visa was clearly a matter of guile .
24 Such a feature is clearly a waste of time if you are a reasonably expert photographer ( and there is no bar code reader input on the professional EOS models ) , but it helps the non-expert to get good results .
25 Members of an association are clearly a ‘ section of the public . ’
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