Example sentences of "[art] [noun] which gives [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Alec Stewart 's charge has a stiffer task here , but is getting 6lbs from the favourite which gives her a sporting chance of stopping Daru 's unbeaten run of four victories .
2 According to the theory of universal grammar , children start outlife with a universal grammar or language ‘ blueprint ’ in the mind which gives them some idea of the form that any language will take .
3 For , if he decides that the wooden hut is a building , he is in effect adding an interpretation clause to the statute which gives ‘ building ’ an extended application ; whereas if he decides that the hut is not a building , he adds a clause to the statute which gives it a narrower meaning .
4 Grant that in this new year we may know your presence , see your love at work , and live in the light of the vent which gives us joy forever — the coming of your Son , Jesus Christ our Lord .
5 It usually takes three or four days for the pigment which gives you your tan to develop .
6 Choose a spot on the water which gives you a complete view of the whole area of the lake .
7 Bell Lawrie has 14,000 portfolio clients against Brewin Dolphin 's 18,000 and together they are one of the largest private client brokers in the UK which gives them a certain amount of clout .
8 For the basic pot-au-feu , then , you need 2½ lb. approximately of flank of beef , 2½ lb. of shoulder , middle neck or breast of lamb ( it is the lamb which gives it its essentially Provençal character ) , 1 lb. of shin of veal .
9 American herbs such as this one have a history associated with the original Indian inhabitants of the North American continent including Canada , and it was Oswego Indians in particular who used the leaves as the beverage which gives it one of its common names .
10 The District committee relented ; withdrew their objections and Jacques made it clear to Green it was only through his personal intervention and tenacity as the General Secretary that ‘ the WEA had been saved from disaster , and that this agreement represented , in fact , the charter which gives us continued and autonomous existence ’ .
11 Although every moment of the lovers ' experience is drenched in imagery , there is still a fine feeling of reality about the characters which gives them bone and muscle .
12 The poem which gives us the best insight into knightly and aristocratic life c. 1200 , L'Histoire de Guillaume le Maréchal ( the story of William Marshal ) , rarely fails to tell us how much a particular horse was worth : it could be as much as forty , fifty or even a hundred livres — and this at a time when a serf could be bought for ten livres .
13 Green plants have the marvellous capacity to harness the sun 's energy by means of their chlorophyll ( the substance which gives them their green colour ) to split the water molecule into its component elements , hydrogen and oxygen .
14 Reach the bollard which gives you the opportunity to pause , and take your time before you look in the opposite direction and cross the other half of the road .
15 I tend to play with the wah on the treble setting all the time which gives you an incredibly trebly sound and it 's really hard to make that sound good because it distorts and feeds back all the time .
16 The fight with Tucker , in the meantime , will earn Lewis a contractually agreed 80 per cent of £6m and with a clause in the agreement which gives him and his management access to the courts if King indulges in the questionable manoeuvres for which he is not unknown .
17 But it is a part which gives me so much pain that sometimes I ca n't bear it — ca n't bear it at all . ’
18 The occupational pathology of the eighteenth century is strikingly revealed in a litany which gives us grinder 's asthma , grinder 's rot , mason 's disease , miner 's phthisis , stone worker 's lung and potter 's rot , among others , for dust-caused lung diseases , as well as occupational bursitis in such varying forms as bricklayer 's elbow , weaver 's bottom , housemaid 's knee , hod carrier 's shoulder and tailor 's ankle .
19 We ca n't put all the bells and whistles , and all the , the checks and all the consultations and design reviews onto a job which gives us a fee income of er two thousand pounds .
21 They see Caller Display as a service which gives them a window on the world , through which they can stop unwanted calls and increase their sense of security . ’
22 ‘ I go to a lot of fellowship meetings and I see a counsellor once a week which gives me the tools to handle life on a day-to-day basis . ’
23 The issue now facing policy makers is whether the tribunals are equated with the county courts and legal aid extended to them or whether structural changes are made which enable unrepresented litigants to have a fair chance to present their cases in a manner which gives them a fair chance of success .
24 And I 'm gon na be giving you a handout which gives you information about how to calculate it .
25 Of course , that does n't mean you ca n't go climbing in them , providing you get a size which gives you enough movement .
26 There are people who know that they have experienced deep within themselves a reality which gives them simple and overwhelming certainties about the real goals of human existence and which transforms their lives .
27 ‘ Italy needs to vote in a system which gives it stronger political groups , ’ he added .
28 It must therefore be acquired and taught in a way which gives it general significance .
29 On the other hand , no personal endings are found here simply because no ordinal rank has yet been represented at this early stage of verb formation , a fact which gives us some insight into the reality underlying the term " non-finite " .
30 The second and third weekend I get to the lake just before daybreak armed with a pair of binoculars and settle down for a couple of hours in a spot which gives me a good view of all , or most , of the water .
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