Example sentences of "[art] [noun] in the eye " in BNC.

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1 ( " A free pint if you cop the Queen in the eye , " says Chunker Wilson . )
2 He stopped in mid-chew and stared the landlord in the eye .
3 Always look the person in the eye before signing .
4 Mrs Browning had declared it was all too bad , too dreadful an imposition to have been responsible for and that she would not be able to look the Ogilvys in the eye ever again after causing them such vexation .
5 The far world not the The unspiritual world that that we can You see the pride in the eye , that with that that that that can be can be another women or it can it can be cosmetics , it can be a dress to women or it could be another man .
6 He always looks the claimant in the eye .
7 He stared the giant in the eye , and said boldly :
8 This effect , combined with increased affinity toward water and the lowering of the surface tension of the tears , is sufficient to wet the hydrophobic surface of the cornea in the eye completely .
9 Canes which support tall plants should have a cover over the exposed end , so that they are clearly visible and do not risk poking the patient in the eye when he bends over , or if he slips .
10 That 's where he got the horn in the eye . ’
11 It 's just that Peake 's trilogy Titus Groan , Gormenghast and Titus Alone has attracted such a cult following that Glass was apprehensive about doing justice to the novels in the eye of fans .
12 The context in the eye movement study was unusual in that only verbal communication was possible .
13 We can not afford to concentrate on the mote in the eye of the Sudanese military , or in those of the inadequate political leaders in Harare , until we have removed the beam from our own eye .
14 Now the lens in the eye forms an image on the retina , and , granted that physical space is Euclidean , that light travels in straight lines , that the lens in the eye is optically perfect , that the retina is uniformly curved , and so on , the image will be related by the mathematical laws of perspective to the object of which it is an image .
15 Now the lens in the eye forms an image on the retina , and , granted that physical space is Euclidean , that light travels in straight lines , that the lens in the eye is optically perfect , that the retina is uniformly curved , and so on , the image will be related by the mathematical laws of perspective to the object of which it is an image .
16 The band platform was very small and cramped , so much so that an over enthusiastic violinist could place the others at some risk from a poke in the eye from his bow .
17 A POKE in the eye when referees or fans are not looking , or when the ball 's at the other end of the field the centre-half lays out the centre-forward with a right-hander .
18 Dignified , modest , though not unaware of his charisma and influence , Eric was a serious man , yet with a twinkle in the eye and by no means narrow in his thinking .
19 ‘ It 's still in the blueprint stage , but it has gone further than just being a twinkle in the eye , ’ said finance man Duncan Whyte .
20 She put her points over to the juniors as well as she always did to everyone else , with a wonderful mix of candour , directness , understanding and humour — and always with a twinkle in the eye .
21 Lotus marketing manager , Neil Hudspeth , says , ‘ considering there is n't a fully operating Alpha system out there yet , the next generation of 1–2-3 is still a twinkle in the eye . ’
22 Tess Lemmon went down to the farm , looked a pig in the eye and , in the spirit of the continuing BBC1 series ‘ Lifesense ’ , went away with a new pig perspective .
23 Stepping out on to grass she turned and knew that she was one of the few in all history and legend who could safely look a dragon in the eye .
24 The concentration and duration of exposure of a medication in the eye are determined by the character and dynamics of the preocular tear film .
25 Anyway , what about Sam , who takes the Ring but hands it back with only momentary delay , Pippin and Merry , who show no desire for it at all , Aragorn , Legolas and Gimli , who display the same indifference without the excuse of ignorance , and Boromir 's brother Faramir , who realises the Ring is in his power but refuses to take it , with no more sign of mental turmoil than a ‘ strange smile ’ and a glint in the eye ?
26 As a being capable of having legal rights and liabilities , a corporation is a person in the eye of the law .
27 Did you at the time see the celebration of sexuality — even if it is a boy masturbating over an advertisement in a newspaper — as a kick in the eye of oppressive forces in the church ?
28 Its effects can vary from never looking a man in the eye or never arguing with a man , to wearing a Burkha .
29 If they form a cyst in the eye , blindness is likely to result .
30 ‘ There go the 1970s , ’ commented Hargreaves , ‘ there go the drinking seventies , ’ a comment which earned him a slap in the eye from Giles 's girlfriend Venetia : ‘ Drunkard yourself ! ’ she shouted , ‘ drunkard yourself ! ’
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