Example sentences of "[art] [noun] suggest [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Its rather strange style finds its nearest parallels in the third quarter of the century , and primitive elements in the technique suggest that it is an early piece of its kind .
2 In 1428 , however , it and some neighbouring villages were excused from paying the subsidy because it had less than ten households , and the excavation of one of the houses suggests that it had been deserted as early as the second half of the fourteenth century .
3 Our journeys on the whiteboard suggest that it holds the key to our concepts of beauty .
4 The common use of the prepositions in and out in connection with the mind suggest that it is conceptualised as a container . )
5 The the reconciliations suggesting that it was n't a good stock take .
6 The plan suggests that it would be a delusion to assume that these immigrants would shed their values for Shetland ones .
7 Although the wording of the Act suggests that it could be used in cases of abuse , it seems that there is such a general sense of unease about the law as it stands that some new and especially designed statute will be necessary for effective provision .
8 The contrasts made above between the political systems on the two sides of the Atlantic suggest that it may be much more difficult for British pressure groups to identify points at which the political system is particularly open to influence .
9 The article suggests that it is necessary to change the image of science ; I now think that it is necessary to change science .
10 It needed a substantial amount of advertising , and the figures suggest that it did n't get it .
11 These results may be due to chance , but the figures suggest that it is worth trying to do semi-automatic correction .
12 But all the evidence suggests that it has one staring error — the researchers ' names .
13 Although in general the evidence suggests that it is usually the man 's retirement that provokes most friction , this may change as more of today 's working wives turn sixty and find themselves facing the same need to make difficult adjustments .
14 If and in so far as there are any presumptions which assist in my conclusions ( and I instinctively dislike introducing presumptions in reaching a decision of fact as crucial as this ) , the presumption that a state of affairs continues until the evidence suggests that it no longer pertains is more to the point than the submission of Mr. Levy that the sanctity of life is so vital an interest to protect that if I am in any doubt that should take precedence .
15 Yet the logic of the definition suggested that it would benefit especially kings , whose competence to declare war could not be impugned : thus Thibaud of Blois failed to persuade the monks of Marmoutier that they owed him service when he fought against Louis VI ; they claimed discretion in the matter ; and in 1184 , the mighty Philip of Alsace hesitated to commit to battle the army he had summoned against Philip Augustus , through fear that its ranks might melt away .
16 Time can be a very real problem but answers to the questionnaire suggested that it was not an absolute impediment .
17 A policeman called to deal with the fracas suggested that it might be best if the nervous pair took the hint and left .
18 The theory suggests that it is impossible to gain a significant understanding of an individual without first understanding the functioning of the systems within which the individual operates .
19 Although the government suggested that it was prepared to offer some degree of autonomy to the island , the prospect of losing the tax revenue from the mine , together with the potential effect upon other provinces within the country 's ethnically diverse structure , suggested that the government would be unprepared to accept BRA 's stated aim of full independence .
20 The difficulty is that the grammar of the disposition suggests that it should be the curator , but the reference to ‘ his , nurses can surely be meant to refer only to the foster-child ; and the last sentence of the text confirms that it is the foster-child who is intended .
21 Then in 1978 he saw a paper by three Soviet scientists which reported that there were anomalous amounts of helium-3 in some metals ; the Soviets suggested that it was being produced by fusion — fusion induced by cosmic rays .
22 The chip technology is said to come from IBM 's Yorktown Heights research centre , and the report suggests that it will be scalable from deskside towers to supercomputers , and IBM may target the Cray Research Inc market .
23 The report suggested that it was not the ultimate loser 's fault that the judge at first instance and the Court of Appeal did not get the right answers , and that the loser should not be liable for the appellate costs .
24 This theory has recently been investigated scientifically , and the results suggest that it could well be correct .
25 Although the details of the peace plan were not made public , diplomats familiar with the negotiations suggested that it included a timetable for multiparty elections and details of designated areas where the two sides would be permitted to station forces during the truce .
26 The angular resolution of the observations was inadequate to show that the source was definitely located at the nucleus , but the strength and variability of the line suggested that it arose from a compact source .
27 The flysheet suggests that it will be of particular interest to the neuropsychologist , the neurophysiologist , the linguist and thoughtful musicians .
28 The programme is pitched at Fortune 1000 companies that have embraced open systems for strategic applications and the company suggests that it could develop a prototype to consolidate financial reporting from a company 's strategic business units into corporate headquarters , connecting disparate computer environments into a client-server system .
29 The programme is pitched at Fortune 1000 companies that have embraced open systems for strategic applications and the company suggests that it could develop a prototype to consolidate financial reporting from a company 's strategic business units into corporate headquarters , connecting disparate computer environments into a client-server system .
30 As far as the direct effects of test-case litigation are concerned , therefore , experience both here and in the USA suggests that it would be unwise to look to the courts alone to secure a right of tax-diversion .
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