Example sentences of "[art] [noun] be simply that " in BNC.

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1 The difficulty is simply that as a co-heir Seia is owner of an undivided share of the whole estate , and the question is on what basis she can recover from her coheir the quarter of the gardens which she does not own qua heir .
2 The hope is simply that God in his mercy will deal with the cancer of hate , suspicion , fear and selfishness in the guts of men , black and white ; and that He will lead us , as we obey Him , out of the political , economic deadlocks into sanity .
3 The difference between need and dare and the modals is simply that the latter are by the very nature of their lexical meaning incapable of evoking a reality , while the former can evoke potentialities only in non-assertive use .
4 The recommendation is simply that it be noted and I wondered if anybody wanted to make a contribution , or ask any questions , put anything forward , on Appendix A. Councillor
5 The second reason for the constancy is simply that the ocean is heated from above , by the Sun .
6 The rule is simply that one uses as many digits as are in the final number ( three digits if in hundreds , four if in thousands , and so on ) and then uses the random numbers in appropriate sets .
7 The point is simply that the account of mental processes which folk psychology provides , constitutes an explanation at an appropriate level of abstraction for the purposes of explaining behaviour scientifically .
8 The point is simply that the potential benefits from regulation can be very large .
9 The point is simply that in all positions , other than the two attributive ones , the entity has already been identified before the adjective is brought into direct or indirect constructional contact with it .
10 The implications of the title were simply that an organisation had extended its activities beyond exporting to consider markets distinct from its own domestic market .
11 Ltd. v. Conservators of the River Thames ( 1899 ) 15 T.L.R. 474 Phillimore J. held that the steamship company was entitled to recover a charge for making use of the conservators ' pier facilities which was greater than that authorised by statute , the ground being simply that there was no consideration for the payment without any further reasoning .
12 For others the trouble is simply that a concert ‘ lacks visuals .
13 The sentiment expressed in the phrase is simply that a strong EC should lay these foundations for the whole continent .
14 The answer is simply that they enjoyed it .
15 Part of the answer is simply that until very recently , most chimpanzee research was done on captive animals , who lead a very boring life , are often kept apart from other members of their family , and have a constant abundance of food .
16 The mark of the adjudicator is simply that he is called upon to decide what parties in dispute should have done or should do in the circumstances of a particular case .
17 The reason is simply that there are so many XT and 286 machines that are in perfectly good working order and only suffer from the fact that they are not 386s !
18 The reason is simply that since its meaning is more abstract than that of see , hear , watch , etc. , it lends itself more easily to the inference-type sense than do the latter .
19 In the minor works agreement , by contrast , the wording is simply that the contractor shall pay to the employer the liquidated damages .
20 The core of the problem is simply that the judiciary is the creature of the legal profession .
21 In part , of course , the problem was simply that the Soviet archives were inaccessible to western scholars , while during the Stalin era the documents and memoirs published in the Soviet Union were sparse and manifestly tendentious .
22 The consensus was simply that Hollywood had lost track of what people really wanted but there were also a number of other notions .
23 The fact is simply that the two colours do not possess universal symbolic meanings shared by all the peoples of the globe .
24 For many people the biggest problem with using a computer is simply that you have to type something on the keyboard to achieve anything at all .
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