Example sentences of "[prep] whom [vb past] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In the space of two years , we moved from a domestic merchant bank with 500 people , all of whom knew each other very well , to an organisation with nearly 3,000 people spread all over the world , ’ says Mr Reed .
2 In the aftermath of the Cuban revolution , the Communists , forced to contend with Castroite , Maoist and Trotskyist dissenters , all of whom advocated armed struggle , were at times uncertain how to respond to the rise of guerrilla activity in their own countries .
3 The Catalan left 's participation in the Pact of San Sebastian bound Spanish Republicans and Socialists , few of whom felt real sympathy towards the idea of regional autonomy , to a policy which was always certain to alienate the Spanish right .
4 When I regressed her , Eileen did in fact describe to me a happy , boisterous childhood with her sister and her six brothers — all of whom took great delight in spoiling their baby sister .
5 His restlessness permeated the entire house , and she felt guilty , certain that her presence was tying him to Gullholm , that if it were n't for her he would go home , or visit one or other of his sisters or his mother , all of whom made regular telephone calls .
6 He dodged between the startled shoppers , none of whom made any attempt to stop him .
7 Endoscopy had a high yield ( 42% ) and duodenal biopsy identified coeliac disease in three patients ( two were aged >70 years ) each of whom had normal folate values .
8 Eleven were considered unfit for surgery including three with metastases and three recurrences after surgery , two of whom had rectal stump recurrences after abdominoprineal resections .
9 Four University , four College , and three Polytechnic courses in this category were described , involving 26 staff , only three of whom were not doing this as their main concern , and all of whom had appropriate degree qualifications .
10 Hypersplenism was noted in four patients , two of whom had palpable splenomegaly .
11 The fittest in British society should therefore have been the lower class and the immigrant , both of whom had higher birth rates than the upper classes .
12 Of note , infectious agents were also detected in 39 ( 48% ) of 82 patients at stage IV without diarrhoea ( Table III ) , 30 ( 37% ) of whom had intestinal infection .
13 They were not all Russians , since they included Caucasians , Kalmucks and Ukrainians ( many of whom had Polish nationality ) .
14 In addition , Roycayrol and Cattan studied fundic biopsy specimens of 18 totally achlorhydric patients , 12 of whom had pernicious anaemia .
15 However , very little is known of any deaf aristocrats prior to 1750 , but there were some in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries , a number of whom achieved political renown .
16 My father came from a peasant family in Berkshire , consisting of three sons and five daughters , all of whom entered some kind of domestic service , the women rising to responsible posts as head housemaids , housekeepers and parlourmaids .
17 He was evaluated by two ophthalmologists each of whom diagnosed CMV retinitis .
18 He could drink good wine ; eat French food superlatively cooked , and apparently available in abundance ; be waited upon as he had been waited upon in the old days before the war , by a succession of polite , quiet , efficient , well-trained servants , all of whom were Arab , all of whom spoke perfect French .
19 This had been formed by Captain Buck and consisted of a dozen Jewish immigrants to Palestine , all of whom spoke fluent German .
20 Her embarrassment continued when she was introduced to a procession of Korean shop workers , none of whom spoke any English .
21 But women always seemed to be in the majority and the proprietor and his wife , both of whom spoke excellent English and German , could be seen at every hour of the day advising parties of determined-looking women in sensible shoes how to get to St Peter 's or the Piazza Venezia or the English church , or which were the best shops to buy presents and souvenirs to take home .
22 Whereas academic philosophers with a vested interest in preserving the Aristotelian world-picture were united against Galileo , there was no such unanimity among his clerical contacts , some of whom gave constructive advice .
23 Kaifu also managed to resist pressure for the inclusion within the new Cabinet of LDP members who were tainted by the Recruit scandal , which meant the continued exclusion from office of faction leaders Michio Watanabe , Kiichi Miyazawa , and Shintaro Abe ( a former Prime Minister ) , each of whom wielded enormous influence within the party and was considered a potential Prime Minister .
24 Despite Knox 's fulminations against ‘ that cruel tyrant and unmerciful hypocrite ’ , the archbishop of St Andrews , and the ‘ woman born to dissemble and deceive ’ , Mary of Guise , it was in fact an act quite out of character of both archbishop and regent , neither of whom showed any taste for persecution .
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