Example sentences of "[prep] 1989 [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Careful study of the bird trade press during the first few months of 1989 led to the identification of a large number of advertisements offering species , such as the Scarlet Macaw , which may only be put on sale after permission has been obtained from the Department of the Environment .
2 But four main factors are singled out by Chris Green for the currently greatly improved outlook : the record investment currently being made , at the end of 1989 amounting to an astonishing million pounds a day ; the success of the Networker train whose carriages in 1989 were being delivered at the rate of one a day ; the enormous level of London station development both enhancing the environment ( who at the start of the 1980s would have thought of treating a terminus as a shopping precinct ? ) and producing revenue on the grand scale ; and the steady introduction of Integrated Electronic Control Centres ( discussed in detail in the signalling chapter ) .
3 A resolution of the European Parliament early in 1989 called upon the Faroese to ban the use of the gaff from boats and in water more than a metre deep .
4 Alison Vaissiere ( the Fair 's organiser ) : Four years ago we drew up a five-year plan ; the first theme in 1989 coincided with the tercentenary of William and Mary and was titled ‘ A tribute to the age of William and Mary ’ ; the following year was ‘ Italy and the Grand Tour ’ ; last year , ‘ The Art and influence of Japan ’ coincided with the Japan Festival ; and of course this year celebrates American patronage .
5 Although strongly opposed to the changes in other East European countries , the government in 1989 embarked on a programme of limited reforms under the slogan " democratization " .
6 A number of leaders and former prominent members of the US-backed contra movement , officially known as the Nicaraguan Resistance ( Resistencia Nicaragüense — RN ) , returned to Nicaragua from exile in 1989 to participate in the electoral process , being required to sign a statement renouncing armed activities .
7 This situation led Genaro Bautista and others to create the magazine Etnias in 1989 to serve as a platform for the discussion of indigenous issues .
8 When reading this chapter , remember that not merely is NSE the largest of BR 's businesses but in 1989 ranked as the 106th largest business of every kind in Britain .
9 Meanwhile , Britain 's current-account deficit of £20 billion ( $31 billion , or 3.6% of GDP ) in 1989 fell to an annual rate of only £4.1 billion in the six months to February , and the odd monthly surplus may soon appear .
10 The bottom line was that no South African golfer could in 1989 compete in the Tenerife Open at Golf del Sur ; the Renault Open de Baleares at Santa Ponsa , Majorca ; the Catalan Open in Barcelona ; the Cepsa Madrid Open at Puerta de Hierro ; the Peugeot Spanish Open at El Saler , Valencia ; the Volvo Masters at Valderrama ; and the Benson and Hedges Mixed Team Trophy at Aloha , in addition to the Desert Classic in Dubai ; the Volvo Belgian Open at Royal Waterloo , Brussels ; the KLM Dutch Open at Kennemer , Zaandvoort ; the Scandinavian Open at Drottningholm , Stockholm ; and the PLM Open at Bokskogens , near Malmo .
11 Average inflation for 1989 soared to a record 1,000 per cent , with the highest rates recorded in Argentina ( 3,700 per cent ) , Nicaragua ( 3,500 ) , Peru ( 3,000 ) and Brazil ( nearly 1,500 per cent ) .
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