Example sentences of "[prep] someone who have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was a good age for someone who had seen untimely deaths on all sides of her family .
2 So you had to look for someone who had grown up with the idea that you could kill .
3 His only modern biographer suggests that he spent his last days in extreme poverty at an advanced age , an ironical end for someone who had accounted meticulously for the handling of millions of pounds and had been listed by name in an Act of Parliament .
4 Nothing could have been more perfect for someone who had to work , but desperately wanted to enjoy the sunshine and activities of summer .
5 He took the list , that list right there , and he went like this with it — I was sitting across the table — and he said , ‘ For someone who has seen so much war as you have , North , you should understand that I want to end the war on terms that are acceptable to Iran .
6 Contrasting Mr Donovan 's distress with that of victims of industrial injury , the judge said : ‘ You should have in mind it is not a case where you are awarding damages for someone who has suffered some physical injuries which will be with him for the rest of his days .
7 Going to ‘ day care ’ may involve too early a start for someone who has become a night owl while living alone .
8 Medically , it 's impossible for someone who has lost their sight due to glaucoma to get it back . ’
9 A not-so-good euphemism for someone who has tried to do him/herself in by hurling him/herself beneath a moving tube train , or someone who has been jostled from a congested platform on to the track , or some kicky kid indulging in Tube surfing-travelling outside the train and hanging on , and falling off , like John Koporo , age 11 , who in 1987 at Kilburn became the sport 's first victim .
10 The term associate publisher was also , said RH chief executive Gail Rebuck , and appropriate one ‘ for someone who has come to the top of the tree ’ .
11 Mr Sloan believes the thieves were probably working for someone who has bought a similar Mercedes which has been badly damaged or written off .
12 It was odd to have to think of him as someone who had saved her life .
13 Because , apart from the emotion of the moment , what had made me take this decision was really a kind of pride : I had to see myself as someone who had done the ‘ right thing ’ .
14 I did indeed see him as a kind of Christ figure , perhaps as someone who had come to save me from myself , from my ineradicable loneliness of mind and soul .
15 At the time my idea of manhood was personified as someone who had to work hard at a job he hated in order to support not only himself , but other people whose very existence he resented ; someone who was forever having to make difficult decisions and take frightening initiatives , both of which ended in frustration ; and someone who might be called upon to fight in wars ( National Service was then still in operation ) and kill people .
16 In discussing identity formation at adolescence , Erikson posits that it is partly ‘ dependent on the process by which a society ( often through subsocieties ) identifies the young individual , recognising him as someone who had to become the way he is and who , being the way he is , is taken for granted .
17 I served on the Committee which dealt with what is now the Criminal Justice Act 1991 , in the hope that I could draw on my own experience as chairman of the Cardiff juvenile bench , and as someone who had worked with young offenders .
18 What shook Burton was not that he would appear to ‘ the World ’ , i.e. the metropolitan thespians , as someone who had failed in a straight contest with another rising young actor , Scofield — although that made him angry and inflamed his competitive instincts — what shook him was that he had no real idea why it had happened .
19 Now as someone who 's taught at other institutions — I 've taught at the University of Kent and at Middlesex Polytechnic — I think I was aware of the level of harassment which erm was there in those institutions , there certainly was sexual harassment , it certainly was a problem , but I have to say it did n't seem to me to be the problem that the students have identified it as being in Oxford and I think that 's striking and it 's something that erm as tutors and as a university we really do have to think about .
20 As someone who has to ask occasionally for a care package for an individual , do I take it then the penultimate paragraph that this is the planning , you know , how you 're going to produce a care package for an individual , this is what you refer to in the planning system , and that you 're getting together with Social Services to get this care package together ?
21 AS someone who has played rugby ( at a humble level ) in England , Canada and the USA , I feel compelled to comment on Randall Lieberman 's discussion of rugby 's low profile in the States ( RW&P , May ) .
22 As someone who has championed the cause of renewable energy since the mid-1970s , I give a warm personal welcome to my hon. Friend 's statement , which I believe to be in exactly the right direction .
23 Sorry to go on and on about this backing up business , but it 's much better to do it than to end up losing information ( and I write as someone who has done just that in the past ; of course I 'm perfect now ) .
24 The former England winger said : ‘ As someone who has spouted on over the years about contracts , I am not about to walk out on my one with Crystal Palace .
25 He said : ‘ As someone who has spouted on over the years about contracts , I am not about to walk out on my one with Crystal Palace . ’
26 Scott looks back at it as someone who has learned a great deal and contributed to shifting opinion about private and statutory sector relationships .
27 ‘ We could all be dead in six months , ’ she replied , shaking her head with an air of someone who 'd heard those sort of stories before .
28 He walked out on her mother , who was stuck for years afterwards with the name of someone who 'd left her .
29 Robyn saw for the first time that Melissa was a little drunk ; her eyes had that bright , fixed look , and her words were pronounced with the extra care of someone who had consumed rather too much alcohol .
30 Turning the pages together , they read what Luce Weston had written , getting a clear picture of someone who had loved more than she 'd hated , and given more than she 'd taken .
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