Example sentences of "[prep] terms with [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Solicitors , teachers , members of the Police force , self-employed businesspeople and , in particular , employees in the health service are finding it difficult to come to terms with changes at work and home .
2 The need to prepare schools and help to help schools prepare themselves for the erm review of the national curriculum the changes that they will have to deal with and in particular I think , erm to help secondary schools to come to terms with changes in key stage four and the likely erm opportunities there will be for a more diverse curriculum including eventually er the opportunities for more vocational programmes in schools and to assist schools
3 3 ) ‘ When the babies are very young leave them to come to terms with others at their own pace . ’
4 After consulting this same healer on several further occasions , Simone decided to join a small team of people specialising in past-life therapy , and now helps others to come to terms with traumas in the past which are blocking present progress or happiness .
5 Quite apart from the practical problems of care , the family is faced with the sadness of coming to terms with change in a person they have known and probably loved all their life .
6 An ordinary man , like the rest of us , trying to come to terms with circumstances outwith his control and matters beyond his understanding .
7 Now Dave is coming to terms with life on the outside :
8 Derek Jeffries was bought for Crystal Palace for £100,000 in September 1973 by Manager Malcolm Allison , who h , ad also been his boss at Manchester City , to help boost Palace 's struggling midfield as we sought desperately to come to terms with life after relegation to Division Two .
9 He wrote to Stead in April 1928 that he felt that for reasons of compensation he required the most ascetic and violent form of discipline , and discussed having to come to terms with celibacy as a Christian .
10 They have given staff in schools the space to meet as a group and get to terms with issues over a longer period , complementing the series of other meetings and team meetings that go on anyway .
11 For those who do not have much real competence in other languages , there is the possibility of coming to terms with poems in the older , more remote forms of English .
12 It is obviously a ridiculous state of affairs and the national coach found himself asking two pertinent questions as he came to terms with loss on a farcical scale .
13 Although Wallia had come to terms with Constantius in 416 , he had subsequently campaigned on the emperor 's behalf , against other barbarian groups in Spain .
14 In 694 the people of Kent came to terms with Ine by which a payment of 30,000 pence , signifying approximately 7,200 shillings and the value of an aetheling 's life , was made to the western Saxons in compensation for the burning of Mul ( ASC A , s.a. 694 ) .
15 The reviews reflected this difficulty of critics to come to terms with Crawford in a production so different from his biggest successes .
16 Alexander I rebuffed repeated advice that he come to terms with Napoleon during the French invasion .
17 Now in a council bedsit , Barry and Diane Gammage are coming to terms with unemployment for the first time in their working lives .
18 At the funeral Judith comes to terms with grief for the first time since the birth .
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