Example sentences of "[prep] terms [prep] change [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What is it that you 're looking for in terms of change for men ?
2 Ann Mobbs , what is it that you would like to see in terms of change for men ?
3 The disastrous years for the British economy , measured in terms of change in real wealth , were 1990 , 1991 and 1992 ( ‘ growth ’ for 1992 is now estimated at around minus 2.0 per cent as opposed to the Treasury 's original forecast of plus 1 per cent ) .
4 I feel quite firmly that the only way forward is to move to the situation where marketers control not only what they spend but also the presentation of sales results in terms of changes as a result of alternative contributory factors .
5 Now , if you set these changes against the objectives of the concurrent advertising campaigns for these brands , expressed in terms of changes of attitude , you find — if you are lucky — that the attitudes have , indeed , changed in the intended direction .
6 Clearly we must think in terms of changes in state of complex systems , of transitions involving various types of ‘ catastrophe ’ ( in the sense of Rene/ Thom ) .
7 Comparison of the results of the two groups shown in Fig. 5.7 also allows us to reject an explanation in terms of changes in associability or in terms of the transfer of some specific response that directly modifies test performance .
8 This model ‘ explains ’ climatic changes on a timescale of tens of thousands of years in terms of changes in the Earth 's orbit and inclination to the Sun .
9 In terms of changes in spending , responses indicated a 7% overall increase in expenditure from 1983/4 to 1984/5 , but as with all parameters this was by no means uniform .
10 This form of profit decomposition contrasts with normal cost-accounting decomposition , which explains profit changes in terms of changes in revenue and costs )
11 The advantages of immediate estimates of the consequences of any proposed set of grade boundaries , in terms of changes in grade numbers both overall and by function and location , and in terms of the likely cost over the forthcoming years , are obvious and considerable .
12 They can also be used to model the effects of changes in social security payments on industrial outputs , and hence to demonstrate the effects of policy decisions on such payments in terms of changes in unemployment levels .
13 Part of this ex post forecasting could distinguish the various phases of post-1954 business cycles with respect to their particular characteristics in terms of changes in the sectoral/industrial composition of the UK economy and with respect to the specific features of the different industries ' behaviour in terms of stock movements , capacity utilisation , scrapping of old equipment , new investments , etc .
14 Instead , the theory is usually expressed in terms of changes in price levels in different countries , that is , in terms of differential inflation rates .
15 Constipation is usually defined in terms of changes in the frequency , size , consistency , or ease of passage of stool .
16 Solicitors , teachers , members of the Police force , self-employed businesspeople and , in particular , employees in the health service are finding it difficult to come to terms with changes at work and home .
17 The need to prepare schools and help to help schools prepare themselves for the erm review of the national curriculum the changes that they will have to deal with and in particular I think , erm to help secondary schools to come to terms with changes in key stage four and the likely erm opportunities there will be for a more diverse curriculum including eventually er the opportunities for more vocational programmes in schools and to assist schools
18 Quite apart from the practical problems of care , the family is faced with the sadness of coming to terms with change in a person they have known and probably loved all their life .
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