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1 Every emerging pattern was explicable in terms of principles of local association .
2 The skill model described above implies that , except in highly restricted artificial situations , his information processing must be described in terms of patterns of stimuli related to patterns of responses .
3 In a system that encodes information in terms of patterns of activity information processing could be going on without a net increase in metabolism .
4 It is between these two sectors that some of the sharpest demographic differentials are found , and I will argue that the unique nature of the British housing market tends to perpetuate and reinforce these differentials in terms of patterns of early marriage , high fertility and marital breakdown .
5 The outcome has been a major advance in thinking about the curriculum in holistic terms , in which curriculum planning is done not just in terms of subjects and their traditional labels , but also in terms of areas of experience , skills and processes as well as knowledge , and personal and affective aspects as well as the cognitive .
6 It thus differs from business education whose concern is more broadly based in terms of areas of knowledge and the techniques relevant to business operations , though , of course , there is a good deal of overlap between the two subject areas .
7 This three-dimensional model can also be used to analyse the undergraduate curriculum , and will provide the three broad frames of reference for the three chapters that follow , which examine first degree courses in terms of concepts of knowledge , the economy and society , and the development of student ability or potential .
8 The problem is to come up with an analysis and structure which is not only reasonably clear and self-consistent in terms of concepts of knowledge , but which maps on to and helps to explain the curricular structures that are already in place .
9 One can only understand how things are in terms of concepts in the first place , so in a sense the concepts came first since natural conditions only gain significance in terms of the way one had learned to see them .
10 Does he not agree that such a programme could , amongst other things , establish an effective linkage between western support for economic development and the response from the newly independent states in terms of schedules for comprehensive , verifiable , and quicker disarmament ?
11 Against the background of this mass of expectations which derives from and constitutes our experience , it must become possible to identify the relevant properties of features of the context of situation in terms of norms of expectation within a particular genre .
12 In terms of effects on the supply of work effort , a case against the current system of direct taxes and in favour of a switch towards indirect taxes might be made in the specific cases of poverty and unemployment traps .
13 If the shot is to be sent out in black and white the colour must be ignored and the shot viewed in terms of tones of grey .
14 It would seem that groupings of authorities and academic institutions which are geographically close have much to recommend them in terms of the potential savings on travelling expenses , and this is clearly also true in terms of projects for the creation of teaching materials which need to bring together a number of practitioners from different schools on a regular basis .
15 But in principle , there 's no reason why we can not discuss the flux through a channel , that is its activity , in terms of moles per second .
16 The only time that that does n't apply is if you are thinking in terms of posts in a fence around a square field or round a circular field .
17 Because of interaction , component values can not be determined by a simple ‘ rule of thumb ’ and it is necessary to equate the response in terms of impedances with that in terms of time constants .
18 Notice that from equations ( 10.13 ) and ( 10.14 ) , is equivalent in terms of h-parameters to .
19 We shall compare graphs of depth one with graphs described in terms of sets of phonemes .
20 We are continuing to experience a significant er pressure from schools in terms of requests for form assessment and statementing of children with special educational needs .
21 The Japanese are number one in terms of imports in the US ceramics market , whereas a few years ago Wedgwood was clearly number one .
22 The hiatus between North and South is most directly shown in terms of trends in employment over the first half of the 1980s .
23 The pound has been very strong recently , particularly in the United States , where they 've got a weak dollar , and we have to put over the message that there are tremendous deals to be had erm both in air fares and when you get here in terms of hotel rates erm and in terms of prices of food and so forth .
24 Conclusions will tend to be in terms of shifts within the system itself — adjusting the balance between groups , levels and interests of different times .
25 One alternative explanation was put forward in terms of attention focusing which might explain both effects in terms of feelings of risk .
26 But more recently banks have been providing other forms of merger funding-'mezzanine debt' , which does not rate as highly in terms of claims against the company 's assets , but provides additional financial resources .
27 Phillips and Williams ( 1982d ) suggest a ‘ positive ’ approach to transfer management in the rural sector in which housing visitors ‘ scout ’ tenants and try to suggest ways in which a small ( and diminishing ) stock can be better used both in terms of persons per dwelling and of the tenants ' patterns of spatial behaviour .
28 Erm and in terms of rights of way er growth orders we would like to see growth of two hundred about two hundred pounds .
29 Erm in terms of rights of way we are very concerned indeed as a group er the rights of way and this purpose we have identified er an additional fifty thousand pounds in which we hope will help
30 If you were to write an autobiography of your early years how much different would it be from ‘ The Barracks ’ in terms of elements like the domineering father , the oppressive nature of Catholicism and the bleak landscapes etc ?
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