Example sentences of "[prep] them stand a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The site at Jelling now consists of two turf mounds , and between them stand a stone church and the rune stones , the larger of which weighs nearly ten tons .
2 Then I noticed that right beside the checkpoint , in fact touching it , there stood a terrace of houses , and that in the front window of one of them stood a Christmas tree , with lights draped along its branches .
3 In front of them stood a microphone on a stand , and then several rows of school chairs filling about a third of the area , though most people sat on the ground .
4 And to be honest , I do n't believe any of them stands a chance of ever making a comeback with me .
5 Against them stood a world ordered by ritual , sacrality , and magic .
6 Behind them stood a line of Mukhabarat men , with orders to shoot anyone who failed to fire or aimed off .
7 Before them stood a crowd of overjoyed neighbours who had shared their sorrow and now could share in their happiness .
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